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About h_k_norla

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. h_k_norla

    Matches & knives are too rare.

    Can you fill empty liquor bottles with water as well?
  2. h_k_norla

    Matches & knives are too rare.

    Throwing my two cents in here. I'm swimming in knives and hatchets. I just came across a barn with 4 hatchets in it, and not much else. WTF were those farmers doing in there? Will check grocery for matches though. Have not yet found any. : / Also, any good links regarding the first hour of gameplay? A gun, any gun, a knife, a hatchet, and some matches means you can at least cover food/blood. No idea where to get all these things.
  3. h_k_norla

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Just got offered help from Solanum, who joined the US server from EU, but got booted b/c high ping. Did get much help from VoLLi! He donated morphine and we exchanged blood bags. However I can make high recommendations of these two players, please let me know. Thanks again!!!
  4. h_k_norla

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Per yous and VoLLi's offer - Thank you both. I'm clearly having issues with my brain today. Steam account name is either h_k_norla or Norla. (The one in the upper right, or the one over your picture?) Currently west of Drozhino with broken leg. : /
  5. h_k_norla

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Please add me to steam if you're able to help - h_k_norla. Ty!!!
  6. h_k_norla

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    My heart is smiling. On a related note, I just had a pretty rough run-in with a tree, and lost another thousand blood. Am still near Drozhino. Looking for help and tips. Willing to part with extra blood bag. Apologies if asking more than once is uncouth.
  7. h_k_norla

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hey, I'm very new to the game and am new to this forum. I'm currently outside of Drozhino in the Southwest. I'm at 7k blood - looking for a transfusion. (Do I need one?) I've got a second bloodpack that I'm willing to part with as thanks, as well as some other supplies. I've also got a broken bone (leg?). I'm hoping I could get that fixed up. Also, would anyone be willing to pass off some knowledge to a newbie? Got a myriad of questions. Thanks in advance. : ) Steam - h_k_norla