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Posts posted by cheetum@gmail.com

  1. I agree with removing the canopener mechanic; it may be fairly realistic even though the videos above show you don't really need a canopener or any other tool.

    I understand what the devs were trying to do, adding the canopener mechanic to add realism. Using the canopener to open the cans is fairly realistic but it does not trainlate to the game well; it just ends up being frustrating or just extra "micro" that isn''t needed and that detracts from the game.


    Managing this small thing "get the can opener or some other tool and then open the beans" doesn't translate into good gameplay, just extra micro to manage.

    I do understand where the devs were coming from though and i really think the canopener mechanic is one of those things that had to be implemented to know if it was a good idea or not; one of those things that sounds good on paper but when put in the game and experienced just doesn't add much and kind of detracts from the game.

    Agreed, you said it better than I did.  I just don't feel like it adds value to the gameplay and isn't necessary.   Maybe not everyone feels this way, just providing my personal experience and feedback

    • Like 1

  2. Read second post, it's a game, if you don't like the rules go play something else.


    If I didn't like the game I would go play something else.  I do like the game obviously.   I am just providing feedback, which is what you do when you are alpha / beta testing a game.   The game isn't perfect, and has room for improvement.  This addition to the game doesn't improve the game, and I personally feel the game would be better without it.   Hence I am providing feedback.    Its constructive and worthy of discussion, unlike your reply.

    • Like 1

  3. Because it requires that you have a thing to do another thing. That's sort of the whole idea behind games.


    Why do I have to have a weapon flashlight to have a flashlight on my weapon?


    Why do I have to have a RDS to have a RDS on my weapon?


    Why do I need matches to start a fire?


    Why do I need a fire to cook meat (not yet though lol)?


    These are all analogous to what you're saying. The point of the game is that there are a set of rules that everyone plays by, and you manipulate those rules to achieve the desired outcome. If you don't like the rules of the game, then go find something else to play with all the kids who think hunger and thirst are too hard or the tards who think there shouldn't be pvp.

    all of these things are consistent with real life.    What if they add a mechanic that in order to use a weapon you need to find the flashlight attachment.  how does that make any sense?   It doesn't.  Just like it doesn't make sense that I need a tool to open a can in the game, but in reality i can open any can easily without any tool.

    • Like 1

  4. See video for demonstration:




    I know its just a game, but the mechanic that requires you to have a tool to open a can is not realistic.  (I'm assuming the reason its in the game is to add realism which makes it all the more perplexing)   In real life any can of food can be opened without a tool using the method in the video above.   All you need is a hard, rough surface like concrete which is all over chernarus.   Personally I feel this mechanic reduces the realism and immersion of the game for me, as its frustrating that I have this can of food, and I know in real life I could open it easily, but in the game I am forced to scrounge for some tool to do it.   I may be in the minority but I don't like this mechanic, as I find it unrealistic, unnecessary, and adds nothing to the game.

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  5. I was on this server for a while with my hive character. Have an ATV and tent there. Tried to go back to it later and it was locked with 5 ppl on it. Mr.Tigger, Mikey, Selonari, Chris, and Bistroo

    edit: almost right after i posted this it was unlocked. I tried to connect but kept getting kicked (by admin?) and then it was locked again.
