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Posts posted by Suecra

  1. I honestly disagree with most of everything youve said to be honest. You talk about a topic, then look at it completely the wrong way. 'Let's make good weapons rarity more common' Are you kidding me? 'Should zombies be able to climb ladders', 'Zombies to easy to lose', 'Zombies to easy'. First you complain about something being this and that, and pretty much just contradict what you say later on. The game for the most part is balanced in terms of regular gameplay, when Bohemia makes an update to the actual game it can affect DayZ, meaning it isn't rockets fault. camps aren't a waste either, it's something you get for having teamwork, or hard work for that matter. It's just how the game works, although in terms of how long cars last or what should be done with hacking/exploiting is pretty open for discussion.

    I know it's just suggestions but even so, it would be nice if you had a REAL explanation on how it could be fixed, otherwise everyone knows that camps are difficult to have, that guns or weapons might be unbalanced, etc. and solutions are being looked for.

  2. All they need to do is make it so zombies spawn in X amount of meters to a player, rather then just in towns and population. So their could be a chance of zombies in forested areas. It wouldn't lag the server up anymore then you running to a town and things spawning.

  3. Welp. I've been playing DayZ with a friend and some of his friends lately in a Mumble server.

    So to skip to the great stuff, I found good stuff in cherno and we met up. We're the only ones on the server. But that moment when their is only one other person now in the game, much more scary then having thirty to be honest, that person could be ANYWHERE.

    The game really gave me that experience, we search through Starry at this point, have great stuff and having fun. Another thing, their is music/sound in the game at nighttime thats similiar to the sound in Slender after you get your first note. The stomping, repeatedly, and man we would NOT turn around for some reason. At this point we started heading towards the airfield, I was excited because I had never been to the barracks or hangers. We cross the airfield, at the time their was one other person and it was really weird knowing they could be anywhere and how realistic it made the game for us.

    So, we are in the firehouse, raided most of everything but we had zombies everywhere. We are fighting, suddenly I hear 'RUN IM GONNA THROW A NADE!' And before I could yell at him not to he threw one. It just BARELY hit one of the poles and went right under my feet. Yep dead but most of the zombies were too. I wasn't mad I was laughing, it honestly was fun and knowing it just barely hit that pole is amazing. It was fun and although I did die and could never find my corpses it was great, and this is exactly what keeps me playing. Anybody agree?

    EDIT - Poles in the back of the garage area, they were cornered their for some reason.

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