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Everything posted by Cooperal

  1. The respawn button is enabled if you fracture your bones. It's in the patch notes. And at least one other post in this thread.
  2. Cooperal

    I want to die.

    I like this way of looking at it. I normally have a tight understanding of my environment but still. I don't actually want to be responsible for protecting a tent like some people think. And I don't want to be running to the very same place every time I respawn. Hoarding is infact the main thing I want to get away from. I want to dull my sense of loss so that I might just play more actively again. Nice to know that I was blessed with the good luck to get a Coyote Backpack with only a 0.38% chance of spawning on that deerstand. But I feel like I would've been even better off if I didn't know those figures. And unless I raid a hospital again (which I strongly dislike) at my next spawn I should avoid crawling through any doorways. The 4 morphine I'm carrying right now sounds very desirable. To give two examples.
  3. That new beginning where even a makarov looks appetising. Easily the best part of the game. High-end bean hunts are just.... shit. Hunger should certainly be in, I fully support that. Only one irk. While "realistic" roughly translates to "no fun" in the virtual realm, relieving hunger is one of the few things which feel completely swapped around.
  4. Cooperal

    Admins that cry when they die (US 1621)

    Too many admins out there are a waste of time. Don't know your name? Kick. Ping is a touch higher than 90? Kick Kill them fair and square? Kick Engage in a firefight with them? Kick all randoms just to be sure. I wish they would just password their servers. Save their social interactions for when there is adult supervision.
  5. Cooperal

    Death in DayZ is actually pretty fun!

    I wish this mod was actually harder in the zombie department. I've got survival instincts which cause me to never get in real trouble with zombies, and the trick to avoiding a lot of bandits is finding an unpopular server and take flight if ANY gunshots go down in high-risk zones (concealment if not aimed at me). Right now I'm suffering from heavy discouragement of launching just because I'm in a "little to gain (lack of incentive) but everything to lose" scenario. But I thought that would've appealed to me. I usually like harsh, unforgiving gameplay because it repeatedly proves way more effective at drawing out soul and emotion than any amount of flashy, expensive cinematics can. That and I always enjoy the sensation of a fresh start. I'm moving well out of the "new player" category now, but I'm still too attached to all the things I found with low spawn rates (coyote backpack to name one). And I really hate the idea of another morphine hunt. Only ever found some in Cherno hospital, only ever needed it when breaking my legs in doorways, sadly before I realised that morphine auto-injectors don't grow on trees. At least it's not a clueless hunt for my first EVER gun anymore. Took more scavenging than any weapon since. And the makarov felt like it had all the charm of the Kokiri Sword.
  6. Players need to learn to fly the thing and then go through a heap of trouble just to aquire it. Let them have their fun.
  7. Cooperal

    mass breaking legs

    Very strange for it to happen to more than one of you just like that. While bones notoriously behave like breadsticks in this game, this sounds like a hack or some server-wide bug. Plenty of people report to have experienced injury and bone breaking while crawling through door frames, myself included. I've read others saying that it can happen by running into certain scenery too. New thing on your to-do list for when you respawn: Stock up on morphine. One little kerfuffle like that and you'll be choosing between crawling literal miles (without any guarantee of a cure) and death. So find a low population server, smash into a hospital, hunt down some morphine, get to a safe distance.
  8. I wasn't present but in standard games, if a player disconnects in an unexpected manner, as opposed to using an in-game exit button, a server will wait about 30 seconds to re-establish a ping before declaring a player out. Therefore the pilot seat would still be occupied for that whole duration. Of course there arn't many games out there where you can take a players chair without their permission. That would be a disasterous design flaw in normal play.
  9. Roleplay it! You put someone who's prone to seizures in your pilot seat.
  10. Cooperal

    Guns & Gameplay

    I'm not prepared to read the whole thing but if those bullet points give any clear summery to go by then I'll respond to those: -Create ways for guns to disapear other than the death in the middle of nowhere A little unnecessary. We can already drop them on the floor until they eventually despawn. You can also place them in corpses and then use the "hide body" function to delete the gun. A more immediate fashion would present some unfair exploitation. If you're cornered by a bandit and know that your time is up, you could just delete your weapons just to stop him having them. Banditry is a part of the game, killing a fellow survivor is fair-play if that's what they want to do. Deleting loot that someone has earned out of spite is terrible sportsmanship, arguably as bad as hacking. -Erase the heavy snipers from the game You paid for a simulator, on a mod which intended to use all of the realistic aspects to its advantage. Therefore if one gun is objectively better in real life, it will be objectively better in the simulator. Neither Bohemia nor Rocket ever set out to provide a stress-free ride. The strength in the unforgiving nature is its power is to pull at emotions. Fear, relief, joy, sadness etc. Balance is left for most games from casual to e-sports, but they have nothing in common with ARMA. -Reduce accuracy/increase recoil of guns to improve gameplay and firefights. Again, it defeats the point entirely. This is not some e-sport where every week the devs change their mind back and forth about how big a champions feet should be and what the AoE radius is on their fart.
  11. Spoken like a veteran gamer. However my opinion differs. Although I agree that "random" and "simulation" shouldn't normally go together, I understand that from the developers perspective, it was probably the most efficient route to take in order to achieve their goals. The reality is that no humans are the same. One person might be able to handle the same hit better than someone else from one day to the next. To emulate such an uncertain variable by others means (such as player-controlled stats or perks) would be more likely to detract from its immersive, realistic merits. As would forcing every shot to guarantee the same result on every target. Creating complex sets of hitboxes to enhance attention to detail tends to come with its own set of issues. Clipping and player-to-player inconsistency to point out two big ones. Far too many issues that for all intents and purposes is far better off being substituted with the random factor. On a final note, pistols are not to be underestimated. To still be combat-able after 2 shots to any vital location seems generous on the devs part. And if you get a headstart on someone by using a pistol, even if not enough to knock them off their feet, you're still probably able to follow bullet after bullet before your target can regain composure and take aim. Of course unfair, except no simulator is supposed to cater to people that wish for balance, they cater to what real-life research would reflect. The superior combat capabilities granted in the OPs example wasn't about the weapon that was used, as much as it was about who shot ANY gun first.
  12. Yeah, the guns that act like peashooters in most games, they don't actually ping off of you. They're quite capable of making your brain leak out of your skull. Next you'll be wondering why you arn't consistently able to fall 20 feet unscathed. Because that's so easy with all the crap you're carrying.
  13. Cooperal

    Why this mod is failing

    Would've read a good long read except... starting your thread with a false statement, told as fact is a giant red flag. In your opinion the mod is failing. On the otherhand, it's only every once in a while that a mod makes as many ripples with gaming news as DayZ has, let alone gain recognition from the vanilla games developers. Figures hitting over 800,000 unique players. Therfore it is my opinion that DayZ is not failing. In otherwords, too long, didn't read. Bullet points would've been nice.
  14. Turning over a new leaf will be tough without death. A high humanity indicator for proven friendlies? Bandit-killers?
  15. Cooperal

    Less snipers as of wednesday..

    I noticed it did this but that seems to have changed lately. Despite having all my M1911 mags appear with a full green bar, I was only reloading to a 4 round mag capacity. I'm going to take a guess that the ammo meter on the side of the magazine icon now confuses the ammo you log in with for maximum. Basically, it no longer accounts for the shots fired on my previous log, so the meter believes that it's a fresh magazine, while actually spawning with less rounds anyway. Looks like an unintended trap for tactical reloaders. Shame it only loads the most full magazine. There are plenty of times I just wanna load my used mag to pop some calm, careful headshots.
  16. At the very least he gets back into the stance I left him in automatically. This I'm certain of. Anything that makes him do that before I gain control is good enough for me..
  17. I'm curious as to where the OP actually logged for this to happen. If I can help it, I try to log out prone among bushes. Ideally somewhere that a sniper WOULDN'T like to set up shop. If I'm planning to log but my doors are surrounded by zombies, I might just get impatient and log out indoors. Not players though. I'll make sure they get a fair game. But I'll see if I can get evasive about it.
  18. Cooperal

    Seattle 36 ALT-F4 hahahaha

    You'd be surprised at how bad some people are at this sort of "not always straight forward" game. I was once on a little bit of a moan of how I screwed up and lost a fight (with zombies of all things) because I panicked and double-tapped alt, leaving me with all sorts of confusion in 3rd person. A mistake I never made in vanilla ARMA I won't make again. I lost my Enfield as a result. Best gun I'd had in my first days. My friend, being the kind that normally gets mad instead of attentive if something confuses him replied with "at least you've ever had a gun!" I let off a silent chuckle.
  19. Cooperal

    Is everyone in DayZ like this?

    Many peoploe value the risk of being sent back to the beaches over a single act of kindness to a stranger. Don't expect any friendship from anyone in solo or small groups. Most will panic too much and seek to settle that panic asap. Bigger groups are either big because A. A lot of bandits have gotten organised from outside the mod. B. Because a group of longtime friends have gotten together (could be friendly or hostile at big sizes) or C. Because a cluster of randomers have grown in size picking up trustworthy people bit by bit. Even still, that's not to say that they're looking for more help. If a group is so big that you should abandon all hope in beating them, they won't be so quick to panic and can PERHAPS be reasoned with. A big "perhaps" in the world of randomers. You need to pray murder wasn't on their agenda before they were made aware of your presense. And if you're lucky (you may need to be visibly undergeared) they will determine that killing you is futile and will only reap petty loot that they're overstocked on. I'd still personally run for the trees.
  20. Cooperal

    Remove Wire Fences POLL

    I don't see enough people misusing them to be honest. They are rarely left there for the sole purpose of blocking future passers from getting their loot. Not abusable to warrant a removal. It adds to targetted loot hunts which I enjoy. And constructive fortifications are always fun for me. I only wish they were easier to deconstruct. Maybe have some new pliers to seek out.
  21. Cooperal

    We need a purpose.

    I think this game could do with some long challenges with persistent rewards that carry over lives. Types that would not bring harm to other players, but things to keep you playing with miniature survival incentives that collect into something overall decent. No murder-related challenges however; not everybody wants to be a killer and shouldn't be punished for it. Here are some hypothetical examples. Tweak the numbers how you please, they arn't the focus. Eat 250 tins of sardines - Sardines now replenish 50% more blood. Perform a blood transfusion on 100 unique players - Can now perform a blood transfusion on yourself. Start 100 fires - No longer need matches in dry weather. Kill 100 animals - Able to recover 1 more meat per animal. Install 50 vehicle parts - Vehicles repaired by you have a little more resilience to damage. Kill 1000 zombies - Slightly easier to avoid detection by zombies in crouch/standing stance. Attract 1500 zombies to your location with gunshots - Every unalert zombie over half the audible distance rolls a 50% chance to ignore you every time a shot is fired. The thing is, it's hard to place in lasting, non-grindy challenges into something that isn't specifically team based. Every reward has to benefit yourself, but being able to achieve them so easily by pestering players at the beach will mean that the challenges won't last. The main point is that each challenge requires finding some resource to expend. Which means travelling and exploring, perhaps grouping up. I like the idea of quests. But they'd need to be heavily diverse to prevent them from becoming bandit ambush routes and nothing more. Of course this whole post is without consideration to the amount of work required for all this.
  22. Cooperal

    Worst Weapon In Dayz -Vote

    You mean the worst weapon other than the Double-Barrelled shotgun? Because I don't see it on this poll. And it would get my vote in a heartbeat. It's close ranged, it only has a capacity of 2 shots (of course) without being that powerful, the ammo takes up so much inventory space for so little firepower in return. The iron sights even suck. Very costly to miss with. Not even worth putting your hatchet in the toolbar for. The hatchet may be melee, but with infinite swings and a pointlessly small hearing range, you're actually going to be defending against trouble instead of attracting more. And finally, thanks to the recent update, the hatchet even outdoes the DBS in damage.
  23. Cooperal

    Blood bags!!!

    Food could really use a slight buff to blood recovery. I love multiplayer games that can be played like a singleplayer, except when it becomes a game of "never make a mistake" and "make sure you've got morphine before you try crawling through anymore doorways". I'm pro-realism when it comes to games (or mods in this case) that try to fill the gap of something that should've been around a long time ago but... 60 tins of beans/pasta/sardines to go from minimum to maximum blood (and 40 to fend off ALL negative effects)? Roughly an extra can of food for every few seconds of bloodloss? Meat is not bad but you better already have the matches, wood/hatchet and hunting knife ready. Those cans of food need a blood buff. Or maybe let small contributions come from canned drinks too. Would be breaking the game to let people just use lakes for a full recovery, unless extremely slowly however.
  24. Cooperal

    Lone Wolf VS Group Poll

    As stuck up as it sounds, my friends are massive liabilities. They're accident prone, take inefficient methods to complete tasks which would seem easy to most people that have gamed for as long as they have. They would not be able to take care of their noise and visibility except from a distance. And they sure as hell wouldn't be able to navigate a map without using a self-marker for a crutch. Not to mention that they'd make predicatble fodder for bandits. Or whine when they get their gun last. Or when they wind up back at the beaches. I'm enjoying solo plenty. I get a heightened sense of excitement from facing dangers where nobody is going to save me except me. It's like playing out a speechless film where all narrative and subtitles are displayed from my head. In other words, solo is my way easy-access way of becoming immersed.
  25. Cooperal

    1st Person vs. 3rd Person

    I vote for third person, although I wish it wasn't in the game. As stealth is a large part of the gameplay, third person provides the single biggest advantages in the game. The ability to look around corners without giving the chance to expose your position (an ambushers wet dream), a slightly wider viewing angle and complete ease to negotiate your surroundings while proned in tall grass. To not use it on a server that permits it is self harm. But I find first-person to be tremendously more immersive. And I feel more comfortable taking aim with it. Best saved for low-pop or 1st person servers where people are less likely to exploit your disability. And for when you've got a few spare changes of pants. I personally love it when a game gives you little choice but to brave the unknown and makes failure so unforgiving. There are so few games which have a genuine reason to be scary. But I can't just expect people to discover that side of gaming willingly. It's understandable that a majority will think advantages =/= more enjoyable. And that's why third person will be a must-have in the future stand-alone or sequel title. Edit: One thing to note (depending on the server) is that the game includes enhanced hearing so that players can percieve unnatural sound sources that are off-screen which speakers and headsets wouldn't adequately account for. Those faint white dots you sometimes see on the border of your screen. It certainly helps tighten the gap between 1st and 3rd person but they're still by no means close. Perhaps if they greyed and blurred everything that your character shouldn't see (ala Full Spectrum Warrior style) we'd be getting somewhere.