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About Whitesp0t

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    On the Coast
  1. Whitesp0t

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Hi guys..And girls. I'm totally new to Day Z and just started playing it. Have got a better grip on how to play this game and went on a rather long walk just now. I spawned in the down left corner at the map and made my way all the way up along the map limit to the left. I saw this huge tower in the distance and started to proceed towards that tower. Got my self a Winchester rifle at a barn not long away from Green Mountain (Didn't know the name before I managed to search it up) I sneaked my way up towards the tower. Through the Forrest and ended up next to the buildings fence. I proceeded along the fence so i circled the tower one time before i managed to find the entrance in to the area. Right before i found the entrance i found one dead "survivor". I looted some pretty sweet gear from him and in true Splinter Cell style i sneaked in to the tower area. That's when all the fu**d up stuff happen. No enemies around and just the sound of dead body's and flies. No zombies or anything. Just total silence. Suddenly this major burst of blood comes out of my chars neck. No sound or anything. I have heard silencer and that make the "thump" sound when the bullet hits target. This didn't make any sound. I though I was shoot so i panic and get my self to cover. I was so stressed (IRL) that i forgot to bandage myself and just started to look after someone close by. So now my blood level was down to 3000 before i managed to bandage myself. Then I started to proceed towards the entrance to the tower (The Door). When i'm like 3 - 4 meters away my bones crack in i fall to the ground. If that wasn't enough i started to bleed again -_- I patched myself up and crawled out of there (have no cure for broken bones) Never ever going up there. Don't care if anyone believe me or not. Try and see yourself...Double dare you. Sorry for my bad writing...NorwegianNoob = me