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Arthur (DayZ)

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About Arthur (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Arthur (DayZ)

    US 506 - Admin abuse

    I do like your replies John, as they seem sentimental - and I feel for you having to repair damage caused by someone outside your control. I'm sorry this has happened on your server. I wouldn't want to deal with it (and it could be anyone in your position). Thank you for replying to these posts - and for removing the offending party (to your knowledge) from your group. Dying last night upon logging in was frustrating. Its never happened to me before, and it was the day after our rout and VTac members were on. Really sucks to have end-game gear and go back to square one on an illegitimate death (no matter how it happened). Probably would have just got sniped anyways.. I'll pop on your mumble later tonight and we can all hang a bit. Hopefully we can all friendly it up and get to a better understanding of the problems we each encounter. I've got a good group of regulars playing with me on your server and we wish to continue doing so (bout ~5 guys on and off). Its nice seeing an active clan (who you know is in it together) for us to go up against. Edit: I work a typical 10 hr day (M-F) and so only play in the evenings.
  2. Arthur (DayZ)

    US 506 - Admin abuse

    I just logged on their server and was instantly command killed. Awesome.
  3. Arthur (DayZ)

    US 506 - Admin abuse

    They hacked on us last night as well. Got into a tiff with TimberJohn, Jon, and CrowbarGuy all of clan V-Tac (Vindictive Tactical). They had a van, we had their UAZ we stole earlier. Lots of firing back and forth and we manage to bring them down. Two of our guys were immediately ejected from their van and instantly killed 12000 blood to 0 blood. They then command killed us while we were looting everything and deciding what to do with the spoils of war. This was immediately after wrecking their crew - and no one else died on the server at the time - so it was a targetted hack. We were also on when they kicked everyone but themselves. I posted on their forums and TimberJohn had this to say: Post can be viewed here: http://vindictivetactical.enjin.com/forum/m/6445544/viewthread/3727271-admin-abuse/post I somewhat take this now with a grain of salt after reading the posting here.. Timber at least didn't ban me from their forums, so I give them the benefit of the doubt; but, they might just not want to be found out. I'm currently unsure.. Our small group has a very large established camp but for the most part haven't made much contact with their clan. I'm kinda scared to log on there now since they (supposedly Jon) can just kill anyone they want.