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Ironside (DayZ)

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About Ironside (DayZ)

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    Huntin' Cows
  1. Ironside (DayZ)

    Logged in and Gun was gone!

    Yeah the part that sucks the most is losing my morphine so now I have to be afraid to open doors for fear of breaking my legs. Plus not having matches, binoculars, hatchet, hunting knife, map...not being able to gut and cook an animal sucks.
  2. Ironside (DayZ)

    Logged in and Gun was gone!

    I had a G17 a Bizon SD and a GZ 550 in the pack. And the rest of my inventory is there, just my guns are missing.
  3. I logged in and both my primary and secondary weapons were gone as well as my ALICE pack. What the fuck.
  4. Ironside (DayZ)

    less ammo.. more zombies

    It already takes way too much ammo to kill zombies unless 1) You kill them while undetected, 2) there's a building to run into to force them to walk. It seems that recently zeds have been seeing me from farther distances even while crouch walking and then they haul ass like a track star on meth while zig-zagging to dodge your fire. If I had less ammo I would be forced to just stay in the woods and hung goats.
  5. Ironside (DayZ)

    Lag Problem Tried everything

    My roommate is having the same issue. Every few seconds the game will freeze and then it will run smoothly, then it will freeze again. I would say the game runs for 5 seconds, then freezes for 2-3 and then runs for 5 seconds again. He has an Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2.53GHz 4GB of RAM and a GeForce GTX 260m with 1GB of RAM.
  6. Its one of the few mechanics that supports teamwork. There are many benefits to playing alone and only a few, such as blood bags, that support playing with others. That's why special OPs teams are in fact TEAMS. Multiple people coordinating their efforts are always going to be more successful.
  7. Ironside (DayZ)

    TIPS for logging in and playing

    Well thanks, its nice to know I could find out eventually and its not just all fucked up.
  8. Ironside (DayZ)

    TIPS for logging in and playing

  9. Ironside (DayZ)

    Can someone help me pls

    I'll help you IF I can even log on. My skype name is Ironside_elite
  10. Hello I've been trying to play for about 40 minutes and everytime I pick a server and log-in I get stuck at the "LOADING" screen. I usually just wait a while and I thought maybe I wasn't being patient enough so this last time I waited 10 min. But I never get in. Can anybody help me, please? Thanks
  11. Ironside (DayZ)

    Player Camps

    OP is a communist.
  12. Ironside (DayZ)

    zombies are bull and ruining the game

    Honestly they're zombies, does anybody have a reasonable reason for why they zig-zag and try to avoid your fire until they're right up on you? If its intended thats retarded, if its not intended they should fix it.
  13. Ironside (DayZ)

    Need a Transfusion!

    I'll log into any server that someone will give me a transfusion on, I'm not a bandit I'm just a guy with 800 blood trying to keep myself alive!
  14. Ironside (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Can someone give me a blood transfusion near Zelenogorsk? skype name Ironside_elite
  15. Ironside (DayZ)

    Need a Transfusion!

    Hi all, I'm new to this game and I was running around and finally found a barn to loot and in my excitement aggroed a Z who mauled me. Well I killed him with a hatchet and then proceeded to loot the barn, I was so excited to find some beans and soda that I didn't realize I was bleeding until my screen turned grey. Anyway, after bandaging myself I ate all the beans and drank all the soda but I'm still at 3800 blood. If anyone can find it in their heart to give me a blood transfusion I would be very grateful! My skype name is Ironside_elite - A fellow traveler [edit] I'm around zelenogorsk! [/edit]