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Posts posted by ilyichvalken@gmail.com

  1. How bout u not tell me what to do... Last time i check i lived in america

    Guess what? So do I. Doesn't entitle you to anything. But, whatever. If you'd rather waste your time whining and being miserable about something, I won't stop you.

  2. "Hey guys I spawned at quarry". "We all spawned near cherno". "FFS let me find some zombies and let them beat on me untill I die give me 10 mins". Damn good thing they took out the respawn button otherwise i'd have 10 more mins to play this damn game

    So uninstall the mod, get over it, and play something else instead of wasting time whining. It's an alpha ffs. Shit's not going to be all rainbows and unicorns, princess.

  3. Okay, I was playing this game relatively fine at 20-25 FPS up until a few days ago (patch between 95208 and 95310,) wherein it dropped to getting around 9-10 frames. Getting the suggestion to do this from Reddit, I tried it several times over (resetting .cfgs and settings) and it seems to have only made it worse, as now I get 3-6 frames on average, regardless of server, even so far as getting that many while playing ARMA II single player.

    I've got a:

    - GeForce GTX 460M

    - Intel Core i7-2720QM, 2.20GHz

    - 6 GB of RAM.

    - 64 bit Windows 7

    - Steam copy

    -Latest beta patches

    Any suggestions as to what may fix this?
