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Everything posted by Elladox

  1. Elladox

    Is this stuff any good?

    i love how the conversation moves on and you just bring it back to you. yes, your entitled to your own opinion, but if you act like an asshat no one is going to listen to you. also , favorite line : " your retarded for again making unproven accusations about me", that my good man is what we call hypocrisy
  2. Elladox

    M136 Bug with DayZ

    ya i was really stoked when i found a launcher, but now im a little dissapointed that i cant use it D:
  3. well now im still looking for an svd, after the last guy i tried to trade with shot me in the back. so my supplies are a little bit lessened but i still have some pretty good stuff to trade. post what your willing to trade it for and il see if i have it. i do not have vehicles though.
  4. Elladox

    Looking to trade for an SVD camo

    well do you want me to list everything? a few examples would be : M107,M16A2-M203, GPS, FN FAL etc
  5. i just really like this gun and recently lost my last one. so now I'm looking to trade with someone for another i have a bunch of stuff that I'm willing to trade: nvgs, gps, FN FALS, DMRs, M4 SDs etc. if i haven't listed what you wanted ask me if i have it and il check
  6. Elladox

    Looking to trade for SVD camo

    why would you accuse me of duping gear?
  7. Elladox

    Looking to trade for SVD camo

    Alright everyone fucking shoot codybonvo on sight, i dropped the stuff to trade and then he opened fire. hes an untrsutworht asshat
  8. Elladox

    Looking to trade for SVD camo

    do you have any idea what you want for it?
  9. Elladox

    Looking to trade for SVD camo

    unfortunately i dont have a car right now, is there anything else your willing to trade?
  10. Elladox

    Looking to trade for SVD camo

    No but i can offer you a m107
  11. Whats your scariest close call or expierience that youve had playing Day Z? mine was when i logged into a barracks with at least 3 other people in it, luckily it was night and they didnt see me, but i almost **** my pants when i logged in and there were a buntch of people moving around XD
  12. ive gone through a few runs and found that the game would be remarkable easyier( and more fun) if i had someone to play with. so if anyone is interested in teaming up for a little while send me a message