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Everything posted by P3T3RSAM

  1. P3T3RSAM

    Inventory Missing

    I'm having the same problem. logged on today with default items but my location was saved :(
  2. Good job! I recently died due to a sniper but am having fun sprinting around elektro. I found the most obvious trap and just ran in. Cheers for surviving on your own.
  3. P3T3RSAM

    Newer player Let's play

    Amazing videos mate. I was half expecting an 11 year old with a high voice and recording with his phone but was happily surprised. I made sure to take note of your name in case I see you in game, I'll remember not to shoot!
  4. P3T3RSAM

    Blue Chat

    You are looking at global chat. Some servers have it disabled but some have it enabled. press the "/" key to the left of the enter key and then use the arrow keys to cycle through chat channels (direct chat, vehicle chat, global chat and group chat).
  5. P3T3RSAM

    I am spawning without a gun

    Those guides are outdated. Spawning with a gun was an earlier feature that has been removed.
  6. P3T3RSAM

    Weapon Suggestions

    If baseball bat was implemented I would use it all the time. I have also wondered why I can get a M16 with a M203 in a fire station. Civilian weapons should spawn more often and military weapons should be harder to find. Nice job OP.
  7. The little signature at the end of your name is super annoying (we can read your username) but I agree with you. I completely agree with the "strikes" Idea. Infact, there should be an area on the forums/website where you can post screencaps/videos of Alt-f4ers. I'd also like to see an easier way to take/access screenshots without going to steam. Only problem I see with all these ctrl-alt-delete task manager solutions, Is that I occasionally have to close Dayz/arma because it will get stuck on "loading on different servers. This solution would have to make sure that the player is actually "in the game".
  8. I understand the OP's viewpoint. I started myself, playing solo on a very low populated server (3 players) and had a blast. When I was new, zombies were a huge challenge and I had trouble. Playing tthe game was very fun and scary. Then, I decided to team up with another guy and we both had the same playstyle (low pop servers easy difficulty). The game was no longer fun for either of us. It was too easy. After that we went to veteran servers. It was harder, but still no fun. Now we are playing on populated servers (40+ people) and having more fun than ever before. players are an all new challenge and make it an all new game. Even doing simple tasks are challenging. TL;dr: game is fun to play low population servers at first, but eventually you will play on high pop servers no problem.
  9. You can have a zombie face (my character "Friendly Frank" has one, just go to the character selection menu, press edit and you can choose your character's race and appearance. I am although, leaning to your side as it is near impossible to fill a helicopter with fuel with only one person.
  10. Its a graphical glitch that happens when you look at a dead soldier. SOLUTION: Don't look at dead soldiers.
  11. P3T3RSAM

    Hey, new EU player over here!

    Sent you a request.
  12. P3T3RSAM

    Hey, new EU player over here!

    I live in Virginia but have a very good connection to the internet!
  13. Odly enough, this happens if there is a body behind a wall too.
  14. P3T3RSAM

    Hey, new EU player over here!

    Well I have been playing for about a week and found a helicopter crash and got a bizon, died because of a graphical glitch. I have teamspeak and would love to play with someone who isn't out to kill me and steal my beans.
  15. P3T3RSAM

    Graphical bugs

    I was in an airfield with dead soldiers and the second I looked in that direction there were polygons everywhere and then zombies swarm in and ate me :(