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    [USG] is recruiting!

    Name (Screen Name) : Daniel Age : 19 Location (Country) : US TeamSpeak: Yes/No Yes Steam Name/URL: docterst34lth Role (Sniper/Assault/Medic): Sniper. love to provide overwatch! Average Hours Per Day: 2-5 Experience On DayZ: Have 200 hours on Arma 2 oa and countless hours on overpoch Other (If necessary): Really want an active group to play with!!

    Looking to form/join a small group

    Hey! Im interested in grouping up! add me on steam: docterst34lth or message me back here!! id rather use teampseak, but my skype name is danielzgordon1

    The Wolf Pack [DayZ Overpoch]

    Name: Daniel IGN: Daniel Age: 19 Location and Time Zone: Illinois, central time zone -6 Steam Account: [Add Abandonpuppy, and then message him that you signed up] docterst34lth What experience do you have with DayZ and with clans?: about 200 hrs in arma 2 oa and plenty of time on overpoch with a clan that is now inactive on arma 2 What can you bring to this clan?: Lots of experience in game providing overwatch and completing missions with a clan What Squad do you want to join?: Hunters What Role do you want to have?: Sniper (provide overwatch) Will you listen to those of a higher rank than you and follow their orders?: of course
  4. Hey Chris! This is my info: Skype name: danielzgordon1 Age: 19 Country: US How often you can play: nearly everyday How experienced at the game you are: I've had Arma 2 for 2 years now and have been playing DayZ for at least a year Extra information about yourself: I'm looking for a dedicated group

    DayZ Mod Update

    Nice update! * [FIXED] - Variable spelling mistakes hsould be corrected now. and lol^

    You are running an incorrect version of DAYZ_CODE

    i got it to work. thanks for the reply GOD lol. but all i did was use Commander and go to settings and dl and the most common patch. easy enuf.
  7. I haven't played dayz in a while and after patching and what not I launched Dayz only to find this error message on server join. Here's a screen: http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/938135151863741860/FA47317B6D9D56419F803FB41A1B9262C863E2FD/ It also says " You are running version and the server is running". This happens on every server I try joining. I tried dl'ing Dayz Commander, but that didnt help. Could someone please let me know how to fix this? I assume its a pretty easy fix.

    Graphical bugs

    stary sobor near the army tent camps

    Day Z Does Not Work

    Not even close. There was a problem with the target folder and some files were getting corrupted on start up.

    Day Z Does Not Work

    Fixed the problem. It was super complicated.

    Can't get DayZ working

    I'm having a very similar problem, if not the exact same one. Please help. Also, write if you're having the same issues too.

    Day Z Does Not Work


    Day Z Does Not Work

    bump-help still needed

    Day Z Does Not Work

    Sorry, are you saying that it's because I haven't read the wiki? I have read the wiki, and I have followed the instructions there to no avail. Other constrctive help still needed. Thank you :)

    Day Z Does Not Work

    I bought Arma 2 Combined Ops via Steam in order to play DayZ. I heard that in order for DayZ to work you must run Arma 2 and Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead seperately. That is what I did. Arma 2 works, and gives me no errors. Also, in the bottom right corner it says I am running 1.11. Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead (@ version 1.62) also works, but it gives me 2 errors. One of the errors occurs when the game is launching: Addon 'dayz_anim' requires addon 'CA_Dubbing_Counterattack'. I click "Ok" and then the game opens. Once the game opens, i encounter the second error which is: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Citizen1.scope'. Then, I run SixLauncher. On startup, SixLauncher says: New Game Version available (, please upgrade. I find this to be very strange, because as I said before, My Arma 2 OA is at version 1.62. So, I just click "No". Now the buttons "Verify" and "Quick Match" are in orange, and the only button that is responsive is "Verify", so I click that. A Loading Bar appears directly under these two buttons. Then there is a "Launch" button where the "Verify" button was and I click that. Then another error message pops up saying: No entry '.profilePathDefault'. I click "ok" and then the game launches. Another error message pops up and says: No entry 'bin\config.bin/RscInGameUI/RscHint/Background.type'. I click continue. Just as a sidenote, it still says version 1.62 in the bottom corner and says @DayZ on the right side of the screen. I click on Multiplayer, and some servers have a red X, a orange circle (password protected), and nothing at all where some have red Xs and orange circles. If I click on the ones with no icon, it kicks me with and error of Bad CD Key. Some other things that should be noted. SixLauncher is running Also, I haved verified the integrity of Arma 2 and Operation Arrowhead game cache via steam. EDIT: after I verify the game caches, it tells me that "1 file failed to validate and will be reacquired" Also I tried installing the latest beta patch (95310) and I get a Wrong CD Key error, and I never see any updating window. I have a feeling this is a big part of the problem, but what do I know. I have tried many different things to get this to work, but nothing has worked which is why I need some specific help. Thank you in advance :)