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About MartinAtome

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. MartinAtome

    The Moral Effect Theory v2.0

    a player may betray you after 20 mins of game, cuz you found a better rifle, and that kind of thing can happen really often, maybe over 50% of the times you ally a stranger.. but if you played side by side for 3-4 hours that changes, it's really difficult ad that point to cold-blood shoot a teammate. also it changes with real-life friends. (like in a real scenario, i would ally with my hold, well known friends, not with random strangers). DayZ is already all about psicology, no need for in game features
  2. anti-bandit procedure: 1-spawn 2-look at the sea 3-turn 180° 4-run for 15 mins 5-enjoy people complaining of pvp are just too lazy to travel and loot small villages, that's all
  3. MartinAtome

    Military Plate

    everyone spawns with a military plate, upon his death if you loot the body of another player you can keep his plate. i think Plates shouldn't occupy inventory slots (or maybe just one for them all) will it encourage PvP? not really, cuz plates will be something a bandit wants to keep, so it'll encourage him to stay alive and not respawn. also, it makes pvp experience deeper as you can be the bloodthist maniac, collecting other's plate, but you may also want to be the good fellow who stays and fight against bandits just to reach his friend's body to get his plate and remember him (i'll keep this for you buddy, they won't take it). plates might have on em just the name of the player or maybe more informations like how many days he lived, his humanity score etc..
  4. MartinAtome

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    pvp is the poetry of DayZ
  5. infection from wounds = nice idea. infection from zombies = nice but dangerous, it forces players together, might change a lot the game experience infection from cold = bah, not really realistic, would be better to insert a body temperature parameter