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About j5dude

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  1. I've waited 15+ minutes on this loading screen. I will either go and do something else, or alt + tab and watch YouTube, and when I come back, it's still Loading.
  2. So my friends and I play on a private hive and I was able to connect to the server day before yesterday fine. The next day comes and I cannot. I get passed the first intial "DayZ" logo loading screen, then to Waiting to Create Character, and then get stuck on the "Loading" text right before "Setup Completed". On the Waiting to Create Character screen I can type in side chat, but after that, I can only hear people talking in side chat. Please help :( my friends main this server. Thanks.
  3. j5dude

    <F.E.A.R> Clan

    I am also interested. Skype or Steam: j4dude
  4. I've been playing DayZ for about a month now with about 4 or 5 of my real life friends, and we're looking for an experienced clan that we can call home. We're all 14 years of age. Please contact me through a PM, or either of the following. Thanks. Skype or Steam: j4dude
  5. j5dude

    -TFBR- [Recruiting]

    1. Age: 14 2. Name: Root 3. Nationality: American/ West Coast 4. Experience: A Month 5. Role: Assault I added on Skype, username is j4dude.
  6. j5dude

    That was interesting.

    ^ What he said. You never know what they have up their sleeve.
  7. So I was playing DayZ (alone I might add), on a random server. I had been geared with an M4A1 CCO SD, M9SD, NV Goggles, Rangefinder, GPS, and a Ghillie suit, all which I had earned by killing a person in the church at Cherno. After I wandered around for a bit, I switched servers to see if I could find a firefight in a more populated server. I logged in right by the North tree line of Cherno, next to a tent. Nothing inside of it as I expected. After 15 minutes of scouting with my range finder to see if it was safe to roll into Cherno, I heard footsteps behind me. Naturally, I turned around to look. First, I saw 2 guys in Camo suits running around with nothing. I shot two of them with my M4 and they were down. Then, 3 guys in Camo suits were running around me, and seemed as though they hadn't spotted me yet. Again, I shot two of them, and right before I could figure out what was going on, I was sniped from somewhere. There had to be a total of 7-8 people that looked exactly the same running around in Camo suits! Of course I was sad that I lost my gear, but I thought that was a hilarious tactic. Whoever that was, I give my beans to you :) However I'm not sure what server it was that this happened.
  8. j5dude

    I can't deal with this anymore.

    Damn. Okay thanks. Still looking for help! :(
  9. j5dude

    I can't deal with this anymore.

    Did you have to tweak anything?
  10. Intel® Core™2 Quad CPU Q6700 @ 2.66GHz GeForce GTX 280 4GB System RAM 9-16 fps in cities, 20-30 in the wilderness.
  11. j5dude

    I can't deal with this anymore.

    Nothing is overclocked. Everything is stock.
  12. *Which version of the game did you purchase? STEAM or RETAIL or MIXED: STEAM *Are you running an Arma 2 OA beta patch? If so what version?: V. *Which method are you using to launch the game? I.E Sixupdater/steam/batch file: Sixlauncher *What is the Error/Problem you're having? Please provide screenshots if possible: Okay, so here's my story. I bought Arma 2 to play Day z about 2 weeks ago and my experience has been great except for one thing. FPS!! Honestly, I have a good gaming computer that and can run Skyrim, Crysis, or Starcraft II on the highest graphics with 60+ fps no sweat, and when it comes to this game, I get 10 fps in cities like Cherno with all graphics at the lowest they can be. I've tried all possible tweaks to my .cfg files, changed my settings on my Nvidia control panel, and have lowered my settings to the lowest possible, but can only max out to about 30 fps on a server with good ping, in the wilderness. I get to Cherno or any city and go down to anywhere from 9 - 16 fps. This is getting tiresome, I've tried everything I could to get my fps up but it only boosted my fps by maybe 5. Even a stable 20 fps in towns/cities would be a burden taken off my back. PLEASE HELP! *Your PC specs: Intel® Core™2 Quad CPU Q6700 @ 2.66GHz GeForce GTX 280 4GB System RAM *Your Operating System: Windows 7 Ultimate 32 Bit *Have you looked at these threads?: http://dayzmod.com/f...d.php?tid=18588 Yes, and multiple times.
  13. j5dude

    North East sniper

    I had a similar story. I was running around in the forest (somewhere up north not really sure) and I alt tabbed to check my Facebook. I alt tab back in and a guy with an axe runs at me and I just sprayed him down. It gave me quite a scare though for sure xD
  14. j5dude

    Stuck! Help?

    I was running around in Vybor trying to escape a zombie and I ran into a fence next to a small rectangular shack (no there are no doors to get inside), and pushed me sideways into the shack and got stuck inside of it. I tried dcing and reconnecting in to get out but it did not work. Any suggestions on how to get out? I can't jump or roll out of it.