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About SolarClipz

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. SolarClipz

    Why is this advertised as a Zombie game?

    ...because if Zs were actually a threat then you couldn't just run with 10 of them chasing you and insist on shooting other players instead, because THAT is completely realistic.
  2. SolarClipz

    Why is this advertised as a Zombie game?

    All they would have to do with this game is make the zombies actually threatening. When I see a guy being chased by 10 zombies, but has the time to try and shoot at me as he runs by, I remember that this isn't a zombie game. It's shoot first, ask questions later. My point isn't how PvP is bad, I could live with it either way, it's that the zombies are barely even a nuisance. People don't team up to survive against the Zs, it's the other people...
  3. SolarClipz

    Why is this advertised as a Zombie game?

    You still have to sneak from other players. You still have to be careful shooting at players in case you give away your position. The zombies are a threat for like...the first 15 minutes until you find your first weapon. After that, it's no longer the zombies you are hiding from. They don't contribute much at all.
  4. SolarClipz

    Why is this advertised as a Zombie game?

    No, I am saying that if zombies were removed then the game wouldn't miss a beat. Still have to get through all the players to find gear. Then it's right back to the deathmatch.
  5. SolarClipz

    Why is this advertised as a Zombie game?

    I agree. That's why I thought I came here for. Sure...I don't mind killing every moving thing that I come across, but that just makes a shallow game.
  6. SolarClipz

    Why is this advertised as a Zombie game?

    It's nothing like those...because those are zombie games and this is a deathmatch game.
  7. Hell, why are their zombies in this game at all? They literally provide nothing to the game. This is a camp spawning sniper simulator. I was excited to finally find a true zombie survival game, but it's just another shooter deathmatch game. I've played plenty of those and this one is no different, see a human, kill him.