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About WebFusion

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    On the Coast
  1. A "whitelisting" system will fix these kinds of issues. While I understand this mod is still in very early development, hosting a decent dedicated server (i.e. not a shared VPS POS) isn't cheap, so asking the folks that pay for hardware to stand in line to play on it is not sustainable in the long-term. A simple icon next to each server that uses a player whitelist in the server browser would prevent players from getting frustrated by being rejected from a server they are not authorized to access, and it would allow clans/communities to host the mod "legally" for their own members. Our community has some pretty high-end hardware with which to host the game, but we're not a charity willing to foot the bill for public servers that our people have to wait until a public player drops off to use. Unless I'm mistaken, it is my understanding that it is against the rules to password protect a server, or to kick public players to make room for your own members. If that is indeed the case (and those rules are actually enforced), then getting any sort of long-term community server support will be an uphill battle at best.
  2. WebFusion

    Want to host a DayZ Server? Read in here.

    That is a good point -and the only thing holding me back from putting this game up on our fleet of servers. Dedicated servers (at least the dual-quad core boxes we use) are expensive to maintain and run. Our community-run servers are funded through member donations (as are most gaming clan/community servers), and asking the people who pay for the hardware to stand line to use it is never sustainable. What I would recommend is simply a server member "whitelisting system" for those that want to use it. While I'm sure there are charitable folks out there who don;t mind funding the hardware for public players, there are far more community-driven servers that require priority access for the people that pay the bills. I have a dual-hexacore server standing by with 32GB and 2 SSD's simply waiting for a legal way to only allow access to the folks who pay for that server. Please implement the ability for server hosts to whitelist players (and, of course, annotate that in the server browser so public players don;t waste their time trying to connect). Do that, and you'll have a legion of hosts lining up to support the mod. :D