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About mhardgrove

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    On the Coast
  1. mhardgrove

    Spawn regions

    Don't like the idea. Part of what makes the game awesome. Also keeps people close to the water which is pretty realistic.
  2. mhardgrove


    This is a great idea and should be done. - Add Women (no different from men) - Add kids (zombie kids included) Details: - Kids run faster, and can even run uphill faster instead of walking - They hold less inventory, and have worse accuracy during panic, after running, etc. - They are loud when they run - A group of bandit kids will be awesome! Aww how cute... until the 4 children overthrow you and loot you - Zombie kids should be one shot kills It adds to the realism. Oh, and no animal zombies as others suggested - it is a human virus.
  3. mhardgrove

    MERGED: Cannibalism

    If you have the hunting knife you should be able to have the ability to cut flesh from a zombie. It would work similar to meat from an animal only you would be the only person to see it as “uncooked rancid zombie meat” or “cooked rancid zombie meat” everyone else would see the meat as “uncooked meat” or “cooked meat”. This would be a way to kill those who you are pairing up with only until the time is right to kill them or to stick it to bandits who kill you and loot your stuff. The effects would be fairly quick, falling to the ground a few moments later as you watch your health deplete fairly quickly and then die. Of course cutting rancid zombie meat would instantly take away some of your humanity. Hey - it's a post apocalyptic world - and it's messed up. Deal with it. Also this could be combined with the idea of cannibalism.