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Everything posted by marklo4

  1. marklo4

    DayZ 1.8 Feedback

    in 1.8.1, my character has asthma now. Every step I take my guy starts breathing really hard and my crosshairs take a solid 30sec to a minute to close. If I sprint more than 3 steps, or go from prone to crouch, or move at all, he starts wheezing and my crosshairs stretch across the screen. The mod is not even playable any more.
  2. marklo4

    US 1016 dont join

    Lol, that same guy was posting earlier trying to ger bandits to join his server. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/100099-us-1016-needs-bandit-squads/
  3. marklo4


    Your an admin with a power trip tho! Got a bunch of people reporting you for abusing your powers and ruining their play. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/100154-us-1016-dont-join/
  4. There needs to be an easier way to find night servers and day servers. Everyday for the last 2 weeks, the servers I've logged into are night time only. And in this game, you cant see anything but the stars at night, nor given any way to see in the dark. Is there an obvious way to find daytime servers, or do I have to log into 7-8 diffrent servers everyday to find one where the sun exhists?