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Everything posted by 1anton12345

  1. i had this sometimes before this patch, but that was only in some servers. and then my friend had it too. so probably the server.
  2. 1anton12345

    [WTT] Tent(s)

    i got 2 tents :)
  3. :D EPIC frames go faster than normal
  4. 1anton12345

    im in :D no respawn :(

    SE 6 worked for me xD
  5. i just downloaded but there are no servers with it yet, GET TO THA CHOPPA!
  6. i just found 3 vehicles..
  7. the loading screen changed..
  8. multiple waypoints , with different colors.
  9. 1anton12345

    What is there to do..?

    yea or you just make 10000 barbed wires
  10. from how many murders are you an bandit?
  11. 1anton12345

    talk to admin

    idea to talk to admin. i want to talk to admin but cant..
  12. 1anton12345

    how i repair car lights?

    looks like NOBODY GIVES A SHIT someone told me when servers refresh <3
  13. help me? :o