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Everything posted by nohrt

  1. it seems whats happening is the people who havnt got the new BattlEye update is stuck at the loading screen. Awesome. I figured that since BattlEye is shitting the bed it would be a good time to update my servers to the last beta patch. But nooo http://www.arma2.com/ is down Screw it im disabling BattlEye till they get their shit straight.
  2. sweet so its nothing wrong on my end. i guess its just a waiting game for everyones battleye to update. thanks!
  3. this is now happening on both my servers
  4. nohrt

    Question About Opteron CPUs

    Arma 2 engine relies more on frequency then it does cores. A dual core with a high GHZ will out preform a Quadcore with less GHZ when it comes to servers.
  5. tell me about it. Im running a dual xeon 5670 with 12 cores and my 40 man server uses only 1 core! horrible.
  6. when i figure out how to unban you i will.
  7. nohrt

    DayZ Server Suite Alpha 1.0.3

    please add option for server ban list. besides that thank you for the program :D
  8. Hi, Im the admin on CA20. Im not sure why you were kicked or banned because i didnt issue it. The logs show that battleeye did so. Funny enough 2 minutes after you were kicked battlelog updated. Sorry about that.