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Everything posted by nohrt

  1. script restriction 87 here both of my servers
  2. Hey, Im trying to figure out why this script doesnt seem to be working correctly. The script scans players .pbo files to make sure that they dont have modified content. Making sure they are using the grass and tree files specifically. What happens is it basically is saying everyone is using modified files upon connection. Is it possible its saying this due to server/client arma 2 beta patch versions? Here is the script im using that is inserted into the bottom of my server.cfg // ======================= // JOINING RULES checkFiles[] = { "AddOns\plants2_Bush.pbo"; "AddOns\plants2_Clutter.pbo"; "AddOns\plants2_misc.pbo"; "AddOns\plants2_Plant.pbo"; "Expansion\AddOns\plants_e.pbo" "AddOns\buildings.pbo"; "AddOns\buildings.pbo.bi.bisign"; "AddOns\buildings.pbo.bi2.bisign"; "AddOns\buildings2.pbo"; "AddOns\buildings2.pbo.bi.bisign"; "AddOns\buildings2.pbo.bi2.bisign"; "AddOns\buildings2_Ind_CementWorks.pbo"; "AddOns\buildings2_Ind_CementWorks.pbo.bi.bisign"; "AddOns\buildings2_ind.cementworks.pbo.bi2.bisign"; }; // =======================
  3. awesome thanks! i found alot of usefull info inside http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/58449-need-of-codes-for-file-check-plantspbo/page__st__20
  4. I am my own hosting provider.
  5. nohrt

    Beta Patch 95777 is out

    Updated servers to 95777. I found 95724 to be unstable.
  6. nohrt

    Beta Patch 95777 is out

    to update do you have to restart the server? or can you just overwrite while the server is going?
  7. nohrt

    Day/Night cycle

    how is the cycle determined? How do the servers know local day/night cycle times? Is it through the servers time clock? or the timezone set in the server name? sorry for res-erecting this old post
  8. nohrt

    US Hosts? Godaddy?

    GoDaddy is just a domain registrar and not a dedcated server provider. Biggest Dedicated Server providers from the US are Rackspace and Hostway.
  9. nohrt

    Server Stucks in Loadingscreen

    make sure you have your mission file added correctly in your server.cfg
  10. In the server config where Hostname, password, reporting IP.. ect Add the following ot make sure the servers do a check for the following files // ======================= // JOINING RULES checkFiles[] = { "AddOns\plants2_Bush.pbo"; "AddOns\plants2_Clutter.pbo"; "AddOns\plants2_misc.pbo"; "AddOns\plants2_Plant.pbo"; "Expansion\AddOns\plants_e.pbo" "AddOns\buildings.pbo"; "AddOns\buildings.pbo.bi.bisign"; "AddOns\buildings.pbo.bi2.bisign"; "AddOns\buildings2.pbo"; "AddOns\buildings2.pbo.bi.bisign"; "AddOns\buildings2.pbo.bi2.bisign"; "AddOns\buildings2_Ind_CementWorks.pbo"; "AddOns\buildings2_Ind_CementWorks.pbo.bi.bisign"; "AddOns\buildings2_ind.cementworks.pbo.bi2.bisign"; }; // =======================
  11. nohrt

    @Rocket - Server Slots

    Yup you can set that with affinity within task manager to the server.exe though. I have both my servers set within firedaemon to use 4 cores per server.exe Obviously you are doing something right as i see your server is running 2x 64 players.
  12. nohrt

    @Rocket - Server Slots

    VM doesnt increase performance. Im running these servers right off the servers windows install and cant even get close to 100slots @ 2.93 ghz. You've posted 4x Xeon E7-8837 cpu's and man thats a beast of a box!! 32 cores!!! but again servers preform better with frquency and not multicore which is f#$king whack for us hosters with powerfull boxes.
  13. nohrt

    @Rocket - Server Slots

    Hey, A few questions. Ive noticed DayZ servers respond better to GHZ than to multicore. From your sig your server runs a Xeon E7-8837 @ 2.66 GHz. How are you successfully hosting 100slots on this? Ive tried to host 100slots on 1 server on my dual Xeon 5670 (12 cores @ 2.93Ghz) and the server gets extreme lag. Admins have also confirmed GHZ will help host more slots and not multicore. What configurations have you done to be able to support multicores and host 100slots? I thought id post my CPU usage running 2 servers with affinity split 4 cores per server.
  14. Hey, Ive been running 2 servers for a few weeks now. The servers is mostly filled with survivors with no real bandit squads calling it home. I work for a large hosting company so i get to host these servers for free on a top end server. No donations or anything needed for upkeep. Ive optimized the shit out of these servers for low to no downtime and latency optimization. So only expect the best DayZ environment. Server is also equipped with auto updating scripts that i created myself. Im just hoping to see some organized players call these servers home. =) Also has a TS3 server at
  15. Thanks for the idea's << Ive added the grass/tree script. As for increasing the player cap servers are limited to Ghz and not cores. The server itself has 12 cores but run at 2.93ghz, after testing the server it can handle 4 instances @ 40 slots per server without lag spikes. Also im working on my update script to include Arma2 beta patches, Right now it just works for DayZ releases.
  16. nohrt

    BIG DEDI's

    @86JR my DayZ servers are running on 2x Xeon 5670. thats 12 cores at 2.9ghz. Do note that you wont be able to run game servers of 50 slots. the Arma 2 server engine responds better to cpu frequency and doesnt allocate to multicore that well. With that being said you should be able to run 4x 40 slot servers if you set affinity for 3-4cores per server with those cpu's. But you will get close to your 4TB bandwidth. I have 2x40 slot servers and i run just over 2tb a month. Running the servers inside a VM is a bad idea. Just run multiple server instances via service. Also a r900 is way overkill for what you need. Look at getting a r410 or r420.
  17. i like it cause you can take the bolts back from the dead zombies.
  18. I run 2 40 man servers on a 100mbit connection. This is my arma2.cfg from this guide. MinBandwidth=102400000; MaxBandwidth=104857600; MaxMsgSend=92; MaxSizeGuaranteed=128; MaxSizeNonguaranteed=64; MinErrorToSendNear=0.029999997; MinErrorToSend=0.0019999994; MaxCustomFileSize=0; Windowed=0; adapter=-1; 3D_Performance=1; Resolution_Bpp=32; class sockets{maxPacketSize=2048;};
  19. ahh so their is a list. Ya i registered through the support portal but didnt receive any email. could be something on my end. How about an official IRC channel for server admins? :D ** hahaa just received the email :P
  20. Updated: You guys need to create a mailing list for server admins. If people didnt follow the forums they wouldnt know about these hotfixes.
  21. Im getting this error with about 60% of the people connecting to one of my 2 server's. I have updated the BEserver.dll files manually and this error persists. anyone have any ideas? BattlEye Server: Failed to receive from BE Master (2) BattlEye Server: Updated attempt failed