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Everything posted by nohrt

  1. WOW! awesome :D When i run "DayZAntiHax_Cmd" i get an error and the application closes. Unhandled Exception: System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'DayZAntiHax. Process' from assembly 'DayZAntiHax, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKey Token=null'. at DayZAntiHax.Program.Main(String[] args)
  2. 7am and 4pm PST. The server gives out warnings before it restarts. At 10,5,and 1 minute.
  3. Alright guys! Due tot he amount of requests i got i would like to introduce CA25 Lingor island. CA 25 resides on a private hive so your character will be special to this server alone. Private hives also gives the Admin more control to counter hackers. DayZ - CA 25 (v1.7.2.6/96584) [Regular|3DP:ON|CH:ON][GMT-12] Lingor Infection!
  4. nohrt


    YOU are PAYING for hosting for a ALPHA version of the game. You need to read up on what Alpha means for game development. Let me help... it means shit wont work as expected. In my opinion you are a idiot for paying $ for hosting a alpha game and getting mad about it.
  5. Are you shutting down your servers and updating the DayZ and Arma2 patches manually? Or do you have a server side script that you are running to accomplish the updates?
  6. someone needs to continue the work on this project. its to good to let die
  7. Looks like Gametracker has its own category for DayZ specifically and isnt bunched up with Arma II anymore. Its a pretty good site for keeping tabs on your server and also includes server rankings. My server is currently ranked #23! =D http://www.gametracker.com/search/dayz/
  8. no updated hive files? edit: never mind... just read my email :D
  9. keep this app alive! we need fixes for the "Remote Code Execution" bans. Besides that this app works great.
  10. So ive noticed Arma2 server engine responds better to frequency (ghz) than it does cores. So ive upgraded the server to an AMD FX 8150 with 8 cores and overclocked it to 5.1Ghz. It should have less issues now with interactions with vehicles and what not. If this upgrade proves to be more stable ill update the player slots =) Also have a image of the new box.
  11. Seems that your .zip is broken I get invalid error upon opening. Happens on two different computers.
  12. here is my BEC schedular entry to run the loadbans, loadscripts, loadevents. <!--Load Bans--> <job id="999"> <time>000100</time> <day>1,2,3,4,5,6,7</day> <loop>1</loop> <cmd>loadbans, loadscripts, loadevents</cmd> <cmdtype>0</cmdtype> </job>
  13. going to be honest, i want to use this but im kind of scared. Last time i updated my scripts.txt/createvehicle.txt/remoteexec.txt everyone on the servers got kicked for a script restriction.
  14. both servers are now in the top 50 of all arma2 servers according to gametracker! im amazed! thanks guys! :D
  15. nohrt

    Setting up Servers in Toronto

    http://www.robsoninc.com/ http://www.hostway.com http://www.peer1.ca/
  16. you wont be able to disable voip for cetain channels. you can only disable it totally on the server. Global chat is part of arma and you cannot remove that either.
  17. Thanks for the explanation. Can you give steps for how to successfully remove bans using AntiHack? As i mentioned i removed my GUID ban from bans.txt and DayZAntiHax.txt but to no effect.
  18. lol i just got banned from my own server. Object Flooding when trying to repair a tire. I removed the ban from bans.txt and DayZAntiHax.txt but it still kicks me. I stopped the program and removed the ban from bans.txt and i can play again. Please fix this.
  19. both servers have cracked the top 100 on gametracker.com! thanks! :D
  20. i am now running this on both my servers! thanks for the hard work! :D
  21. yes its dayz! unplug your internet now!!! /s
  22. verifySignatures = 2; in your server.cfg already does this
  23. nohrt

    New Official Scripts.txt

    where does the new scripts.txt file go? i can only find cfgdayz\BattlEye\scripts.txt and that seems to be a log file.