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About nohrt

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. nohrt

    DayZ (SweetFX v1.3)

    i cant seem to get this to work either Using Dayz commander without steam with teamspeak 3 overlay. windows 7
  2. any chance of adding scan feature for setpos/addbackpackcargo/addmagazinecargo/setvariable ??
  3. On another note: I have made a change to make streetlights on Chernarus work, this will be enabled on CA25. CA20/24 will stay 24/7 daytime
  4. servers had some issues over the weekend. I brought them down to fix the issues. All servers are now up :)
  5. nohrt

    Banned from CA 24

    what is your username or guid?
  6. can you pm me your guid?
  7. can you pm me your guid?
  8. nohrt

    I got banned from CA 20,24,25 for

    ban was removed Maiiinstream is back and playing :)
  9. Its shit like this that makes the "Server General" section of these forums pointless for us server admins.
  10. you should release your scripts to the community
  11. Please note: All Infection servers have moved to private hive. CA20/24/25 are all connected to the same private hive, so you can jump between infection servers and have the same gear! We switched to Private Hive due to DayZ no longer supporting the public hive server.
  12. With private hive servers being the large minority of servers our their. They're releasing updates for @bliss which is fixing some major issues with the hosting of dayz, some issues that need to be addressed, such as HUGE loading times with servers +40 people. SA is coming out before year end. We need a @hive update before SA comes out. This game is going the way of the private hive due to the lack of focus on dayzmod. I can see why which is focus on SA, but that leaves us server admins having to deal with our players giving them excuses for why these things are happening, but we have no real answer to give them. With servers being bombarded by hackers and blasted with mass vehicle spams our public hive servers are becoming unplayable. We need some type of update at least to the server end before SA is released. The sooner the better.