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About oby

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. I would like to see the character needing to defecate and urinate also, visual and audio cues included of course. It completely breaks my immersion not having to shit and piss every 12 hours. Farting also, MUST be implemented, can`t be realistic without farting. Nope, it`s not that all people you meet are elite military personnel that can run forever and can take a shotgun to the gut and then just keep on running, that`s not immersion breaking, it`s that damnable UI ... also not being able to shit. Respawning for 50 trillion times after death is also highly realistic. But that fork, god damn that flashing fork just kills it for me. When i see that thing flashing it`s like i wake up from a trance and go HOLY SHIT THIS IS NOT REAL LIFE !
  2. oby

    Dayz = PvP

    Long story short, last night i found myself on a very friendly private server with global chat enabled and most people were not looking for a fight. In 2 hours i was fully geared and ready to rumble until i realised, nobody wanted to rumble and i was pretty damn safe even down south. I then proceded to disconnect since the game absolutely blows in the PVE aspect and returned to my main HIVE character where i was actually scared to leave the woods because of all the psychos out there trying to kill me. In conclusion this game would be horribly boring and i personally would not give it the time of day without the heavy PVP focus and constant danger of death from players.
  3. oby

    Regarding the Bandit skin

    Well look at you post. "I wanted to get my humanity up by behaving like an animal and slaughtering my own kind but it did not work". lol. Anyway, enjoy being a bandit, i certainly do, the game did not change for us, it stayed exactly the same, KOS everywhere.
  4. Good story, would read again. I believe this is exactly how the game should be enjoyed, your adventures fit Dayz like a glove. With none of that shit about bandits, survivors, murderers and other terms that just sound ridiculous.
  5. Well in all fairness and with me being a big fan of the deathmatch type gameplay ... this style of playing is fucking retarded. I personally don't care about anyone i meet and will instantly try to kill them, armed or unarmed (so does every single one of my friends - we do play in a group most of the time) but that was just rotten and pointless. That's not PVP, that's just lame as hell.
  6. oby

    Server hoppers are killing my fun

    lol, well to be fair, you don't and can't know if he was server hopping or was a legit d/c. The loneliness is getting to your character huh ... he seems a bit ... out there.
  7. oby

    Why this mod is failing

    Well in all honesty it really is JUST A GAME. I think perhaps you missunderstood the point of the game tho ... this is not a zombie survival simulation man, otherwise there would not be .50 caliber snipers and helicopters and all that crazy military equipment. This is just survival and yeah a slow deathmatch. Zombies are here to ... i dunno, because of the title i guess. I don't think we're playing it the wrong way, i think you are. Look at what the game gives you and tell me this was not meant to be purely PVP.
  8. oby

    Tent Gone

    Boars ! It was god damn boars, they tripped and snapped the cords of your tent and the wind did the rest ! No joke, it happens in real life also !
  9. How about if your character is below 8000 blood or is bleeding/in shock, etc he cannot join a different server. First he has to patch himself up and be in good condition before he can undertake the long voyage to another realm. You would still lose your kill from alt-f4 but he sure as hell can't ghost behind you. Also he would have to practically stop playing for awhile since he could only return to the same server where somebody is waiting around to kill him. It would suck however if the server is full and your friends can't join you. You would be on your own to patch yourself up to a good shape and THEN join them on that other realm. I guess that's upto people to decide if they find it annoying or not.
  10. Well not ALL AS50 owners camp kill. Some of us hide behind a big ass team that engages survivors head on and we pick them off when they try to run. One thing is certain, if you have an AS50 and you are friendly do people you don't know, you're doing it wrong.
  11. oby

    Can someone help me pls

    You're the pussy for avoiding solving problems by respawning like a noob. The guy wants to push on through his predicament and has turned to asking for help from likeminded individuals, not boring peons like yourself.
  12. oby

    Player Camps

    Pointless to post coordinates. We obliterate any big camp we find. And by that i mean, we take one car, drive over all the tents then blow up all the cars. Small camps like 1-3 tents we just take some beans, coke and explosives (if there are any) and move on.
  13. oby

    A note to the [HB] Clan

    hah ! Man i hope it's true and you're not just pissed at them for some reason and are now trying to make them look bad.
  14. lol, i hope Johnnyguitar sees your post and regains his faith in humanity.
  15. oby

    Blood bags!!!

    Wat ? How is team play "just as hard, if not harder then solo play" ? A 4-6 man group can steamroll any situation thrown at them, except for another 4-6 man group, then starts the real fun.