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Everything posted by natey2k4

  1. Hey guys, I've played DayZ for a few weeks now. I went into DayZ Commander and checked versions like I always do for updates. I heard there was a new update for DayZ today. Anyway, the spot for DayZ's update's says "Filenames don't match expected path" ... I haven't been on my computer since I played DayZ this morning, so I have no idea what's going on. Everything else is updated. Any help? EDIT: I've added a photo of the issue.
  2. natey2k4

    "Filenames don't match expected path"

    Thanks so much guys, I just checked the troubleshooting forums.
  3. natey2k4

    Shooting help!?

    Wasn't sure where to post this, but any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm having trouble going from 3rd person (which I run) to 1st person shooting. I press enter to switch from 3rd to 1st and it does fine, but my guy hipfires, he won't hold the gun up while shooting. I've seen YouTube vids where they go straight from 3rd person to aiming down their sights in 1st person. I've looked though the controls but I can't find anything for bringing the gun up to eye level when shooting. Sorry for being such a nub, but any help would be awesome!
  4. natey2k4

    Shooting help!?

    Thanks, this worked perfectly! You're a lifesaver.
  5. natey2k4

    Shooting help!?

    Yeah, thanks for the replies. That doesn't work for me though. When I press the right mouse button, it just goes to hip fire, not (thanks scooby) ADS. When I hold it, it does nothing different. EDIT: Just saw your post Admiral, I will try that!
  6. natey2k4


    Just happened to us on US188. I disconnected right when the dude in the guille suit was pointing his gun at me.
  7. natey2k4

    New Radio Station only for survivors!

    Sounds sick, I'll check it out!
  8. natey2k4

    ALT F4 Survey

    There should be a 1 minute delay of the character leaving the server - and - if it could be implemented someway, a non-legit close (esc, abort, disconnect) would result in a random spawn. This would also eliminate ghosting. For a legit close, just gray out the abort button for 15 seconds.
  9. natey2k4

    Stary Sobor Population Zero?

    I walked through Starry for like two hours the other day trying to let snipers get a kill. Most of them suck.
  10. natey2k4

    Zombies Eating Me

    Never happened to me, but I've alt-tabbed out multiple times while running from zombies, lol. Stupid Ventrilo hot key
  11. natey2k4

    Day Z Does Not Work

    download sixlauncher to install DayZ and just launch a server off it.
  12. natey2k4


    The church in Elektro and the housing residences in Cherno served me well.
  13. natey2k4

    Introduce yourselves

    Hey, I'm Nate. Very new, always interested in meeting new people who are more of a "talk first, shoot second" type of peeps. I haven't found a server to stick to yet. If you'd like to game with me; send a PM here or message me on steam (natey2k4). Let's kick some zombie butt! :P
  14. natey2k4

    New players cant get past learning curve

    That's a little silly. People paid the money for Arma because they had to - not to play it. They paid for Arma to play DayZ. I'd have had no interest in the game without DayZ and I'm assuming because of sales, most others feel the same. On that note, I don't see how this game is all that hard. There are a lot of controls, sure. But most are easy to learn. I added crouch and stand-up to my mouse to help out.
  15. I know they aren't cheap but the official Sony PS3 headset works great on computer and uses a USB dongle. Just a thought.
  16. I was playing the other day with a few friends and had a character. I left him on top of the Factory, he had a hatchet and a hutning knife and some other little things. I didn't play for like 48 hours, so I thought maybe he died while I wasn't playing of thrist because I started the game this morning and had to make a new character. I got an awesome gun and had the best life I'd had up to this point. Anyway, I go to play again tonight and I'm back to character #1 (the factory dude)... anyone have any clue what's going on? I thought we could only have 1 character at a time? The characters were started on different servers.
  17. natey2k4

    Two characters?! Help!

    Damn, thanks for the reply. So I'm guessing my good character isn't on a main server. :( Too bad. That's disappointing. Thank you for your help.