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About VexeN

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  1. VexeN

    Why low Fps

    I dont know how games are made and I dont care either I just want to play them but how can I run FarCry3 maxed, BF3 almost maxed (Not interested in Bf4 so no idea what i can do on there) Skyrim maxed world of warcraft although not very good graphics but always a lot going on in a raid and what not, even an old game Just cause 2 which was a huge map with fantasic graphics and not even a hint of frame drop yet playing DayZ on custom config for the lowest settings I can get without putting myself at a disadvantage im lucky to get 40 Fps in the middle of no where and towns are just a no go if you want to be able to see movement. Is it my side or is it the game?
  2. VexeN

    3rd person default

    Shit i can actually change that you might just be my hero
  3. VexeN

    you call that jumping?

    even if what you said is valid which it is not since the jump is the same when a fresh spawn carring no extra weight but anyway the height is not my issue the delay is my issue
  4. VexeN

    you call that jumping?

    I dont use weapon ready. im glad they made meele weapons useless because now i dont even have a reason to use it either atleast before when i had an axe i could swing from anytime
  5. VexeN

    Should we have an animation for backpacks ?

    No way I do not want more choppy animations that bug out during desync there is being realistic and then there is being tedious. if we want to go full on realism, I can eat and move at the same time I can jump the moment my brain processes it not 4 seconds after and i dont need to come to a dead stop when i take something from my shoulder
  6. VexeN

    3rd person default

    I think the main reason people play regular is for 3rd person so hows about 3rd person being the default view when joining a regular server i know its not a big deal but it seems very silly to me joining a server and the first task is to switch to 3rd person.
  7. Is this delayed, pathetic bunny hop that never works going to be the actual jump function we get at release?
  8. VexeN

    Will the new AKM suck ?

    It will have the same problems the M4 Has which imo are: Feeble, innacurate and the recoil is like using a cannon. the main reason i dont use the M4 is because it sounds and feels like im shooting an elastic band, maybe akm will be a cross of M4 and SKS, beefy like the SKS but useless like the M4
  9. VexeN

    Bandits ruin this game

    Bandits Do NOT ruin the game Bandist are a necessary evil in Dayz without them you are running around with derpy Zombies. Currently there is no Challenge in the PvE side of the game too much food too many wells hardly any zombies and they all die from 1 shot unless using a peashooter (22) This game will always be about PvP there is no long run for PvE. I think what you mean is KoS ruins the game in that case I agree yes KoS does ruin it but Bandits are good for the game. take bandits out of the game and we are left with sitting around eatign beans for no reason.
  10. VexeN

    Wall glitch question

    Just read some posts about wall glitching and noticed they are all about NE airfield is it only possible at NE airfield if so why not just never go there until it is fixed. side note... I have no idea how game coding works so there is probably a good reason why the devs havent done this but if you cant shoot through the wall from the outside why cant they make the inside the same way meaning you cant shoot out of it either, APB:reloaded (also a brilliant game concept failed by bad design) comes to mind it is possible to glitch/lag/fall whatever into buildings you can see from the inside of them but you cant shoot out of them. Better yet why not just make the glitch room into an actual room problem solved i fully understand the game is alpha and therefore is not going to be perfect but i think targeting things that give unfair advantage should be much higher priority than adding hats and other pointless crap.
  11. VexeN

    Player height?

    Can anyone tell me how tall player models are for standing crouched and prone
  12. VexeN

    Choose Spawn Point

    Maybe there is something wrong with me but i dont see anything wrong with that considering pvp is the biggest part of the game and unless left4dead levels of zombies and if food & drink become very rare, pvp will always be the biggest part of the game. I could be completely wrong but i think most people play this game for pvp in which revenge and better access to pvp would be a good thing for devs to encourage and for the people who do want to PvE they would still have the choice to play like that by randomly spawning or picking a quiet spawn.
  13. VexeN

    Choose Spawn Point

    But this already happens, sure maybe it takes a couple of times after getting 7 solly respawns in a row until you get the spawn you died at and as for revenge kills if you got killed with your gear what chance do you have as a fresh spawn fist vs bullet most of the time will go only one way.
  14. VexeN

    Choose Spawn Point

    No, solly is literally just up the road from three valley spawn and i'm happy for you that you love three valley spawn but i dont and that just shows how opinions dont matter. Like i said you could still have your CHOICE of spawn if you want to spawn there then do so i'm just asking for a choice.
  15. VexeN

    Choose Spawn Point

    im not lazy at all even if i chose to spawn at elektro i would still need to run a thousand miles looting i have no problem with the running im just saying choice is a good thing and as for implying that the choice of spawnpoint is the same as being instantly fully geared is silly and invalid to my post please go elsewhere.