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Digital (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Digital (DayZ)

  1. Digital (DayZ)

    dont try to hack kids

    Ya right. You ever teleported to a group of guys with godmode off and try to make friends? That shits tense as fuck in the moments before they blast you away or let you into their fold so you can plan some horrible fate for all of them.
  2. Digital (DayZ)

    dont try to hack kids

    I probably bought your CD key a few days ago. Lawl. Thanks bro! [Lawl. Bye bro! (User banned) - Ubi]
  3. Digital (DayZ)

    dont try to hack kids

    [Redacted] Looks like you got fucked twice. Lawl.
  4. Digital (DayZ)

    Patient me wins Big

    miami crew in this bitch, we should have a miami meetup, i can spawn us guns and we can rape kids.
  5. Digital (DayZ)

    Need Spotter Skype: Ghost94621

    <-- best spotter you'll possibly find. I'll spot them ANYWHERE on the map.
  6. You do realize that is already factored into your purchase. You don't get a break down. 50$ for the game. 7$ for marketing. 0.30 for company picnics. 0.60 for power bill. Doesn't work like that. Get a clue.
  7. Digital (DayZ)

    Lingor Island, Hacked weapons already

    Lingor island is not-hive. It mine as well be its own mod. Rocket has zero control of it. Also lingor hacks have been around since the map was first released to the public. Don't act so surprised.
  8. The more expensive the game the less cheaters you'll find. Add in things that are tied to an account itself and a subscription fee and you're gonna make bans something to fear. It's easy to hack in free to play games because you can just roll unlimited email addresses. If you're plunking down 50$ per ban PLUS the 15-20$ a month for a cheat and they are banning like they have been in the last few weeks that's going to be out of the price range of most people. The idea is to keep the ban waves often to make it too expensive in money and game play time to cheat. You'll never 100% hack proof a game. You want to make it as unappealing as possible to hack. Also hacking in a game like COD and BF is much less of a game breaker as you have essentially zero progress to lose by dying and the hacks aren't as disruptive to a server. Popularity is a double edge sword. When a mod is small there isn't much of a customer base for the hack websites to create hacks for, thus less hackers. As a game becomes more and more popular and has a better and better anti-cheat there becomes more and more of a demand for a working hack and as we all know with demand there will be a supply. In the current state of the game it's essentially 3$ per ban and nothing is tied to your account. No saved progress and you can completely outfit a character and gain instant access to all parts of the map in a matter of moments. If you were to make it so that CD keys were secure and a full $50+ was to be payed per game copy and then limit the ability to instantly re-arm and gain access to the entire map right from the beginning that would greatly reduce the fun and appeal in cheating, at least the massive game breaking cheating. Another thing is saved progress. With the additions of dogs and under ground areas you can see that they are making you invest more and more time into each life. Which is good because less and less of the game becomes a rush to the fire house to arm up kill each other and more of an adventure. Any time you have to dedicate time and energy into something you're less likely to want to get it banned and lose all of that. You'll always have the hard core cheaters with multiple accounts dedicated to cheating but you want to freeze as many of those out by making it too expensive to cheat. The average joe you discourage by threatening their game progress and items.
  9. Digital (DayZ)

    Hackers losing their touch?

    create a pattern of Guided bomb explosions on the ground ^^ I'm on it.
  10. Digital (DayZ)

    ***ers 2 Vids

    depends on how laggy the server is. wrong.
  11. Digital (DayZ)

    I help everyone who needs help!

    I want to come along. I will guarantee your 100% protection against any type of player or creature on the server and if you happen to die by some act of awesome godlyness I'll instantly restore your progress.
  12. Digital (DayZ)

    The floating light of death.

    Were you closer to the light then your friend? There is a "Shield" script that if you get within 100m or so of a hacker that has it enabled it will instant kill you. Otherwise someone "slayed" you through a script.
  13. Digital (DayZ)

    How to un-flip an offroad?

    If you teleport a vehicle it will be right side up at the destination.
  14. Digital (DayZ)

    Traveling Medic

    I want to come along. I will guarantee your 100% protection against any type of player or creature on the server and if you happen to die by some act of awesome godlyness I'll instantly restore your progress.
  15. Digital (DayZ)

    Who the F*** is The Man From The Woods

    I'm far from butt hurt man. Just trying to shed some light on the "Dark side" that people seem so ignorant about.
  16. Congrats you duped your body. Search for the method.
  17. Digital (DayZ)

    US #4001 - Soap you Mother Faker

    Typical dumbasses trying to meta-game wrong. 200k unique players a day and the medics get a hand full of calls a day. Oh NOEZ report them for being medic killers. How will they EVER play the game now? OH SICK BURN.
  18. Digital (DayZ)

    Combat Logger Killed by Chopper

    I'm sure that helicopter is legit and you used all legit forms of item collecting to repair it and you don't vehicle horde the server or use any forms of admin to your advantage right?
  19. When you hit P their name won't show up in the list but everyone elses will. They also don't show up with ESP or MAP hacks. There is no such AI naturally in the game. The only possible AI that it could have been is if a hacker spawned in a bodyguard but I'm fairly sure they disappear when they disconnect. I'm also unaware of the ability to spawn a ghillie bodyguard that enters vehicles. Though a regular unarmed one in a ghillie might be possible that would chase you upon seeing you if it was just standing in the woods for some reason. But not enter your vehicle. If there was a 3rd player besides you and your friend in the list like you mentioned then it was probably your buddy screwing with you and he's hacking. I find in general peoples accounts of events in DayZ to be extremely vague and usually flat out wrong. Many times I've witnessed something go down and 1 bandit with a axe turns into 5 with machineguns and rocket launchers, or a silenced gun was a m107 or a helicopter was the wind. Not to knock your credibility but you're probably clueless to what you actually saw and that's why no one can explain it.
  20. Digital (DayZ)

    Crazy Team Members, post your favourites!

    The average person is fairly stupid and dayz is a challenging game. I think the single biggest draw back is that practically no one played arma2 so they have zero knowledge of the game mechanics. Unless you're a hacker or a duper with tons of resources you have limited experience with the weapons and usually don't get to stick with one weapon for very long to get to know it. People throwing grenades at their feet and killing their squad is a classic example of this. Also if you're always being cautious and hiding you miss a lot of what happens in the open and you miss a lot of subtle nuances that the game offers. Unless you play with a extremely large group of people your interactions are shady partnerships or blasting people in the face and moving on or getting blasted in the face. While I think the game is very unique in its lack of "friendfire OFF" feature and lack of "protected squads" it does introduce a interesting learning curve for new players that don't have thousands of hours to run all day and learn from their mistakes much less master the large amount of weapons if they're constantly dying / staying on shore. I hope they address a lot of this in the stand alone as it will make the average player a much better gamer and smarter players = better game. I believe that game can still be niche and hard but still offer more education to new players. Even "veterans" that I run into still lack a ton of game knowledge. In games like COD or BF you select your class and move from a "easy kit" to a more challenging one as you learn and progress. Tons of experience with your choosen setup and you still get plenty of noobs in those games. The problem is 10000x worse in dayz. I'd like to see the stat that shows average shots fired per life. I bet it's scary low.
  21. Digital (DayZ)

    Who the F*** is The Man From The Woods

    Ya i'm sure he isn't a hacker that's got tired of killing people so he white knights every now and again under that profile. No ones ever done that. *eye roll*
  22. Digital (DayZ)

    Met a hacker... and I pity him

    By that last comment you verify everything I said.
  23. Digital (DayZ)

    Who the F*** is The Man From The Woods

    It's in the skin pack you got your clown mask in broski.
  24. Digital (DayZ)

    the mysterious creature

    Either photoshop or they spawned the dog which spawns half inside the ground at about that level in the other picture.
  25. There is a special character you can use as your name to not show up on the player list. I wont divulge it for obvious reasons. No mystery here. On a side note the other guy on the server might be hacking and just fuckin with you.