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Digital (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Digital (DayZ)

  1. Digital (DayZ)

    Met a hacker... and I pity him

    Again you think you upset someone by killing them when they clicked 2 buttons and regained all progress they had moments before and then killed you?
  2. Digital (DayZ)

    Strange encounter

    Hard to believe but after hacking for a while the game becomes extremely boring. A lot of hackers have turned to meta-gaming recently. I'm sure you've heard of the jason videos. Others help players or create little cities with non-dayz buildings they spawn in like that base builder game. If you see someone that you know is hacking it's usually best to just leave the server like you did. Had you shot them they may find it fun to follow you on dayz commander and kill you all night, or maybe teleport you off the map, or under it, or both.
  3. Digital (DayZ)

    Met a hacker... and I pity him

    So you think they were mad and it was worth it? You spent countless hours with that roll and they clicked 2 buttons to get everything they had and to get to you to kill you. Doesn't take much to satisfy you does it? lol. uhhh.. what do they do? they go buy a new cd key off the hacker forums for 4$ a piece, or in bulk for 3$ a piece. You know the stolen ones battleye has been warning you of? Ya those.
  4. Digital (DayZ)

    Tips for a hiding place for Huey

    How do you hide a chopper from Map ESP Hack?
  5. I've used every hacked weapon that is on the white list and none of them are over powered. The as50 TWS with thermal does give you a edge but it isn't game breaking. You could do the same method with a a85 and a sniper just have to switch guns once you spotted a target. MAYBE the silenced PDW because it's silenced and large clip size. The rest of the guns are just reskins or different versions but really give you limited advantage. The M4 with ACOG scope and grenade launcher comes to mind as my personal favorite. Crazy zoom scope, m4 full auto, and grenade launcher, but really the grenade launcher is limited use and on other guns and so is the scope. Does it give you an advantage? Sure. But lets be honest here, ESP and Teleporting are giving a much bigger advantage then a few mods your gun has. You can teleport and esp kill someone with a hatchet no matter what gun they have. I'd say most DayZ fights are situational. Lot of good your crazy hacked machinegun is gonna do you if you get shot from 800m away by a m107. Same goes for reverse. Lot of good your nice l11 desert camo sniper is gonna do you if someone comes around the corner with a akm.
  6. Digital (DayZ)

    G36 cco camo did anyone find?

    It'll shoot the SD rounds just fine and you'll be silent to zombies. Probably still 1hit players too.
  7. Digital (DayZ)

    G36 cco camo did anyone find?

    Ah, then to answer your question besides the different skin and sound it's the same as the m4 using stanag. Also if it's the desert camo one it's hella easy to spot.
  8. Digital (DayZ)

    G36 cco camo did anyone find?

    Actually there are G36 rounds that you can spawn in that are stronger then regular stanag. I was 1 shotting people with them. If you're hacking the gun in you want to spawn yourself these ammo codes: 100Rnd_556x45_BetaCMag / 30Rnd_556x45_G36 - Obviously one is 100rnd mag and one is 30rnd g36 mag. Never tried the 100rnd one nor do I know if its white listed.
  9. Digital (DayZ)

    The random small island.

    You can drive vehicles around on the island but any item dropped on the island will disappear and you cannot get it back, also if you place a tent you cannot see it or interact with it but it's collidable. There is also a similar island that's about twice the size at the very top right of the map if you're zoomed all the way out, same rules apply there but there are about 8-10 animals spawns on that island. Also on another note if you're taking the chopper to the top right island and you fly along the coast you'll notice a bunch of interesting coastal land formations.
  10. Digital (DayZ)

    Who the F*** is The Man From The Woods

    I was doing that till u fuckers banned me from the team speak.
  11. There is a black and white list of weapons. You cannot spawn in weapons on the blacklist. Just like you cannot spawn black listed vehicles. You could spawn in the jet previously but they black listed it. The SUV and police car for instance are still white listed. All they have to do is black list the weapon but obviously there is intent to add the weapon at some point. You fools are over thinking the issue. It's literally a 5 second fix for the developers if they cared / wanted to fix it. Fun fact. The vulcan cannon for the jet is still spawnable and you can shoot it and destroy half the map if you choose, but other vehicles guns aren't. Just food for thought.
  12. Digital (DayZ)

    Dogs in DayZ

    I'm going to assume that when u kill someone their dog goes wild or something? That would add insult to injury stealing someones dog after you capped their ass.
  13. uh ya that's common. You must be a noob. Drop your backpack on the ground before putting on any clothing or it will delete your backpack sometimes, it also clears your debug stats. Usually if you sign into another server it'll bring your stats back.
  14. So you posted that link to confirm that "I'm a hacker" and now that I've exposed your admin as a hacker with the same link you're attempting to back pedal? I think it's obvious to everyone who reads this thread at this point, if they even made it this far without exiting the thread, what kind of organization CGU is. P.S. your server and vent seem to be down. Guess you guys must be pretty rag tag to not be able to keep a ventrilo or server online. Did you scam those guys out of donations for the server and then take it down too?
  15. Digital (DayZ)

    DayZ, as a mod is now dead - roll on standalone

    Just a quick question.. How do you know if you were killed by a hacker or not? Ever been in the middle of nowhere and suddenly shot and killed? Ever ran through a town or area and got shot and killed? Ever been shot and killed period? Not all hackers thunderdome, Plenty ESP or teleport and kill from a distance. Not all have godmode on and some are garbage to the point of losing fights they see coming. Don't just assume because you weren't dropped from the sky that the last time you died from a player it wasn't a hacker. (Not saying it was, but the ignorance is abundant.)
  16. Be -VERY- careful joining this clan as the server owner tends to abuse his server powers and some members are known to hack and hunt each other without warning. Their server has mild hacker protection most likely because their members cheat, and it is full of hacked gear which their members are seen using on a regular basis. They also vehicles horde the map. BEWARE of the server and clan. Just a heads up.
  17. Digital (DayZ)

    L115A3 LLR Just been given this. Is it hacked?

    Ya but its a fun gun to use.
  18. Do some research on windows 8 and how it will utilize the 8 core structure then make your choice. I bought the first 8 core fx when it launched with that in mind. Actually I assembled pretty much the exact same rig they used to break the world record with.
  19. Digital (DayZ)

    Hive Down?

  20. l115a2 is a 1 shot sniper rifle, i use it all the time.
  21. Spawned with a friend behind the castle and instantly two invisible hackers spawned behind us and killed us. Then kicked by admin. Is that what you guys do? You have your own little private hackers killing people? Taking their gear?
  22. Digital (DayZ)

    US 1040's Colony explodes.

    Don't worry guys this "colony" is on a few hacker forums and they are regularly bombing it down to the ground with a LONG list of GUIDs. It's well known and documented that these guys on 1040 are hacking and also admin abusing their server. They have guys in the hills invisible using ESP and teleporting watching the camp a good part of the day.
  23. Digital (DayZ)

    How to use M16 ACOG

    Well if it was duped gear it wouldn't be very precious and thus not really worry about losing it now would I? How's that "meaning" to the game when you run around all day and get stuff, make some trades, sneak around high level areas, and then get teleported into the air? Thanks I'd rather bypass all that and just "reset" back to where I should have been before I got nuked, on a daily basis.
  24. Digital (DayZ)

    Day z vehicle help

    Orange is fine. If it's dark red and you hit something it'll blow up.
  25. Digital (DayZ)

    How to use M16 ACOG

    So if everyone else was rubbing a magic lamp to get stacks of cash you'd still work minimum wage 40 hrs a week just because it's "the legit way"? You do realize that most likely anything you trade it for will be duped right?