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Everything posted by Lap88

  1. Lap88

    (Suggestion) Starting Weapon

    There woul'nt be a new animation, they already have a hunting knife in the game. Now, I dont know if you can stab with them because I have never seen one, so forgive me if im wrong.
  2. Lap88

    (Suggestion) Starting Weapon

    I might sound like a noob, but i wish you could do just SOMETHING to defend yourself. I've gotten terribly bad luck and whenever i go to barns or industrial warehouses the only things i find are jerry cans or car parts, and Ive counted. I have been to: 9 Barns, and 12 warehouses. I have seriously never seen a weapon that isnt being used to kill me, and it is very agrivating sinking 8 hours into this mod and not even being able to defend myself. At all. Just a punch, or a push, or SOMETHING to be able to get those little annoying zombies off of me.
  3. Lap88

    CryEngine 3 - Possible?

    If they uses cryengine3, dayz would be a standalone game, not a mod. And Dayz is a mod, not a game.
  4. Lap88

    DayZ FOR XBOX 360!!

    For dayz to be on consoles, ARMA would have to be on your childs toy, or as you call them, consoles.... and that will NEVER HAPPEN. DAYZ IS A MOD. NOT A GAME. You cant put a mod on consoles without the game the mod is for on it first.
  5. NO. First, the dayz mod isnt a game... it's a mod. So, for this (terrible) idea to work, there would have to be ARMA II and ARMA II operation arrowhead on consoles, which will never, EVER happen. So go back to playing your childs toy-I mean "gaming" console.