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Everything posted by zepth

  1. zepth

    suggestion for chernarus.

    Great ideas
  2. It's a great idea, ofc yes! High tier weapons should be alot more rare.
  3. Hello survivors, in a few first days i played DayZ with a friends we avoided servers with a nighttime, but recently we first time played it and i think its can be very fun time in the game. The night hide you and give a feeling of safety, and at the same time scare you that someone can hide near you too. There's 2x more emotions and adventures in a night. Flares and Chemlights is important gameplay element at night, and useless at daytime. Also poor fps don't bother you so much at a nighttime. The problem: - It's impossible to find a nighttime server with a decent number of players when in the real world you have a daytime. - Many people avoid playing at night servers for some reasons. The ideas: - What if there was a special loot than can only be found at night? Not a something that you cannot live without, but something than can be a good reason to play at night time. - How about time speed up, so we can see night more often, lets say 4h day and 3h or 2h night ?
  4. <3 Chernarus. I think "Stalker" style landscape will be the best. South America can be good too, it was fun in "Resident Evil 5". What i don't want to see is "Left 4 Dead" like landscape, its overused too much in games and movies. p.s. Big city will not work guys, even cherno and electro lag hard.