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About KuyAA

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  1. KuyAA

    [RECRUITING] Relentless

    We aren't flaming? Were stating that we are out to kill you? How is that immature? It's part of the game. Calm down there shades.
  2. KuyAA

    [RECRUITING] Relentless

    What have I done? lol I'm just playing the game :P .. Calm down there buddy. You will get my sniper soon enough <3
  3. KuyAA

    [RECRUITING] Relentless

    Can't have PVP in the server? You posted this in Bandit Campfire. And your thoughts about me effect me none. <3
  4. KuyAA

    [RECRUITING] Relentless

    Lol .. I just read that right? "Relentless is a "no-bullshit" clan. We only accept moderate to high experienced players." -Statement #1 is bullshit, Have the most shadiest people I've met in their "Whiskey" Squad. -Statement #2. The only 2 good players in your group is uRBAN and Murphy .. Rest of you are trash players with no sense. And I'm not saying this to get back at any of you (I'm doing it so people have a warning before you start backstabbing people). I could honestly care less what you guys did to "my" clan cause I got what I wanted from this :) Expect to get sniped from my AS50. Peace shady pplz <3 With Love -KuyA
  5. KuyAA

    LF Group.

    Hey there you should join us ! http://dayzsoldiers.freeiz.com/forums/index.php
  6. KuyAA

    LF some cool people

    Hey there! You should join us! http://dayzsoldiers.freeiz.com/forums/index.php
  7. No ones got kicked because the player "david" doesn't have admin anymore.. I was just logged into the lobby making sure everything is smooth now. I even saw your character name in there looking at the server. Obviously people aren't getting kicked because the PROBLEM is solved. Can we now get this thread locked or something? The problems been solved yet you people are still arguing.
  8. Everyone from clan stop replying. Your making the issue worse. Let me take care of it.
  9. I use the tag [sOL] due to the squad I'm in within the clan. Doing what I have to do as we speak. Server or clan should not have this bad of a reputation. Again things are being taken care of and I thank you again for the proof and pictures.
  10. Like I said , I had 0 control over this so I'm sorry about what has happened. I already stript the kid from admin and is on punishment. Sorry about everything and I hope this doesn't happen to us again.
  11. Yup , I just froze the video to look at the player list. Taking care of the problem now. Thank you Gogy . Hope this doesn't happen again with my clan. Good shooting BTW.
  12. Just saw your video. I see the problem. THANK YOU for recording. Dealing with the problem now
  13. Hi there, If you show me who the admin was at the time please give me the screenshot. I'm the member with the [sOL] tag , But I only kick when they are complaining about a hacker on the server. If you can show me anything of any member hacking , cheating , anything like that please PM me so I can get them out of my clan. Sorry for the inconvenience with my clan. It won't happen again. Thank you.