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About Angrenost

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. That is just inacceptable, if it were so. If I were hacker, fine, I get caught, no more hacking then with that CD key. But what if I am innocent? (which I am, I just don't know how to prove it) Is BE really without fault and mistake? Really?! Never ever? Being forced to pay again while being innocent is just - rubbish. I am intent to see where this is going.
  2. @pgjohn: I didn't say that I got banned for using Fraps. I said I read some posts that frapsing might be a reason, so just to be sure I will consider stop frapsing. I also read on the BE-site that one does not get banned for frapsing, so one should not mention it when contacting them to get unbanned. But if it was not Fraps, for what did I get that message? (yeah, now I'll get that "uh uh but if you got banned you MUST be a hacker, BE is surely without doubt unfailable!!111")
  3. Thank you Disgraced for linking that thread. Should have scouted the forums more before posting. Thank you Drogur aswell. Will keep that in mind if I get a real ban for doing nothing. Didn't pay attention to BattlEye until now, being new to the game and never have been playing ArmA before. Bought it via steam a few days ago just because of DayZ. Thanks to you, nohrt, aswell, for giving me a reply and having a look at your logs. I just tried logging in to dayz, got an error trying to do so on CA20, but another random server worked fine. Will test tomorrow or so again on CA20 (which was a real nice server to me today, no lags, no disconnects, no random kicks (which I had on other servers before joining CA20) until that on mentioned) Seems like that ban-message was somewhat faulty, dunno - can still log on other server, as mentioned. After some more research in the past 2 hours, I read something about Fraps being a possible reason for BattlEye-GlobalBans. I guess I'll stop frapsing then, until this -hopefully- gets fixed one day, as Fraps really is no cheat/hack ...
  4. Cheers, as I was playing with some buddies today (25th July 2012, at approximately 11:45 UTC+2) on server "CA 20", the following happended to me: We were just crossing the road north from Chernarus southwards, as I got headshottet; by a sniper, I assume, since I didn't even heard the shots (the first one missed me) While thats sad for me, but fine overall, I am not really happy about what happened next. About 4 or 5 seconds after the kill, while still being on the death-screen, I got the message: "You were kicked off the game (BattlEye: Global Ban #1c8f)" I would really like to know what's going on here. I do not use scripts, I did not hack in anything, I was just crossing that bloody road, trying to get past those zombies. Shooting me from I-don't-know-how-many-hundred-meters is lame, but fine - this is all about survival, I obviously did not survive. There was no loot on us (well ok, I had a Remington 870 - my buddies only had hatchets, lol), I guess the sniper didn't even care for the loot but more for that +1 to his epeen, but whatever... As I said, getting killed is okay for me - getting banned for no reasing is NOT. Funny thing is, I could instantly rejoin that server - of course being dead and respawning. So no real ban here, obviously - at least until now. Not sure about how long it takes for a ban to really start working, so maybe tomorrow I won't be able to log on any more. Since I am new to the game and new to the forums, I am not sure whether this thread is in the right forum, so any clarification on this is appreciated. What is important to me: I am NOT accusing the admin of "CA 20" for doing anything. But I guess there ought to be a way to find out what was going on, does this stuff get logged somehow? If so, I would appreciate whoever is in charge for this to sort things out. Thanks in advance.