So this happens to me few days ago. I was heading up to north with a decent gear (gun, food, medical supplies and BIKE!) When i stopped to loot this old barn i find there a old truck that only needed tires to replace so i tried to get inside the truck and drive a little but then something wierd happend.. i only saw rooftop of the barn and cant get off the vehicle so when i press enter to see 3rd person view i only see a goat on the rooftop and when i try to move the goat moves so somehow i transferred my soul in a goat and now i was handling it! Right away i was thinking all the possibilities that i can do like walking down to cherno and watch peoples faces when goat starts follow them! >:D but then this text pops-up and says "bad vehicle type" and i was back again in game lobby.. and when i respawn i loosed my gear and i was back in the coast.. has this happened to anybody else?