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Everything posted by Skellygg

  1. I am starting to get frustrated trying to play Dayz by myself >< Giving a blood transfusion alone isn't the easiest thing, well it's actually impossible. So, I am looking for a small group of mature, 17+, English speaking players to team with and explore the Dayz world. You can add me on Skype or Steam, my name is: Steam: GotMassErect Skype: Skellar I hope to hear back from some people soon, thanks!
  2. Skellygg

    Dayz Thoughts

    Well I just recently started playing Dayz and the first few hours of the game were very frustrating trying to figure out the basics. Once you get past that part the game becomes quite enjoyable. I am still having trouble however, with finding a server that isnt home to 25 faggots who run around together shooting every survivor they see. This game has so much potential and I was doing a lot of research and it seems that this "player killing player" problem just started not too long ago. Yes this is a bitching thread about the very shitty community that plays this game. Is there any server out there that doesn't come with a bunch of 12 year old faggots who run around killing everything they see? The game could be so much fun if everytime I got a good loadout I didnt get sniped in the head or ambushed by a group of bandits.
  3. Skellygg

    Dayz Thoughts

    I've been doing that, you can't find the best gear in barns in the middle of buttfucknowhere..