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spidy (DayZ)

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About spidy (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. spidy (DayZ)

    Hmm, dearstands

    Dear Stands You dropped nothing today. That makes me sad. OP
  2. spidy (DayZ)

    Take out .50 cals

    Introduce servers where you cannot use sniper rifles...
  3. spidy (DayZ)

    Epic way to deal with snipers

    Bad troll is bad
  4. spidy (DayZ)

    Are the zombies meant to be one hit killers?

    Morphine won't help you if you are lying on the ground unconscious. Edit: The last time it happened was a simple zombie in elektro. Nothing fancy. I fleed, turned around, the zombie RAN into me and he broke me legs and knocked my out cold. Happened to me too at the stairs at the fire station yesterday. Dunno if thats a pathing/clipping bug or really the hit of the zombies.
  5. spidy (DayZ)

    Are the zombies meant to be one hit killers?

    No problems with the fact that they CAN break my legs, but that unconscious thingy is impossible to counter alone. The zeds just eat you alive... after 1 single hit. It seems the chance of being knocked unconscious was increased significantly imo.
  6. 10k blood, 1 (!) zombie charges me, 1 hit, broken bones, shock, 2 min unconscious -> dead. Didn't experience this phenomenon in the last 2 weeks, but happened three times in the last 2 days?!
  7. I think the current state of the game invites player to just crash into elektro or cherno, kill people, loot stuff, get killed. Rinse & repeat. Basically it morphed more into a battlefield or call of duty game. I played the game with my friends as the survival shooter it is indented to be, but I realised that there is_currently_ no point in spending a lot of time in gearing up, just to be killed by hackers or by people who use duped gear (every sniper runs around with a AS50). Plus the zombies are horribly coded. I got instant killed by a zombie twice in the last 2 days. They just ran into me, broke my leg and I was dead. I didn't even take damage, no blood loss, just death. You could argue that the mod is alpha, but given the rather crappy fundament that the ARMA 2 engine provides, I doubt that this mod will ever be more than a nice, immersive, yet short experience.
  8. Server: DE 489 Time: 7/25/12 @ 10 PM GMT+1 Incident: I logged into the server and there was a message box about a modified file, something about weapons.cfg, which message I confirmed, not knowing if the server runs a somewhat dated version or something like that. I spawned in a very remote and secluded place in a forest, but I was killed after 10 seconds after the loading process was done. Nearly all other players died like flies before and after that time. Wrote an email to the admin, who told me that the cheater uploaded his own scripts to the server. He was then able to warp around in ghillie suit. I was shocked. How is a client able to upload custom scripts onto the server? Is this some kind of exploit which works on every server or was the server unprotected (e.g. standard passwords)?