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About Ica

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    On the Coast
  1. I have to agree with you Mercator; I will “Give people working on this mod some time to work out where things go wrong and right”, but I won’t be giving them my in game time until something changes. Those of us who are suffering from this problem and are expressing it are understandably upset. We have given plenty of our time to this mod and now for us it has become unplayable. Would anyone play chess if after every move made the pieces where reset to the beginning? As for our reactions being “childish and silly” to you, for someone who seems understanding, you seem to lack compassion. I seriously doubt anyone here feels they are the “centre of the universe”. We want to be part of the DayZ community, that’s why we are here posting. When we post, we hope someone will listen. We hope for change. How about this for an idea; every time, before you log off, run to the beach
  2. After the “Hack Attack” last Thursday on “LU 192” where we were all transported to the beach and attacked by those who did the Hack job, with hardly any blood left in me, I crawled into the woods, killed a pig and ate. Slowly I worked my way back up North (I am a survivor). Friday… I`m looking for a server I can move on. I find it best to play on a server where it takes less than five minutes for that “Chernarus and location/days alive” information to click up and off. So there I am, lying under a tree in the wilderness, waiting to spawn And then… Is it another “Hack Attack”? I’m on the beach again. Last night took be hours to get back up north. Now I have to do it again. I get about half way up North. Decide to stop the game a while (it is quite a run). Then when I log in… BEACH!!! No F*****g way? Saturday… Finally I make it to the safety of the hills, and go exploring. I make a few very tentative game stops and wait in the lobby, testing to see if I will be logged in at the beach again. Everything seems fine, all that’s needed is to make sure you have logged out and back in on the same server. A good DayZ day. Until I log back in (after an evening with the family) finally finding a server that didn’t hold me for more than Ten minutes in “LOADING” F***ing Beach my ass!!! All I have done for three days in DayZ is run from the Beach From the infected? No From Bandits? No From Hackers yes Worst of all is… I`m running because I wanted to play DayZ. I`m logged of now. Somewhere on a beach. I won’t be back. Not until I know I`m safe… from the…
  3. Zombies should gravitate towards those filled with the life force of there murdered victims.