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About Pickbo

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  1. Pickbo

    First time with a hacker..

    That's cool man. What did you want to discuss here in general discussion?
  2. Pickbo

    18 Dayz

    TL;DR Last night my 18 dayz streak came to an end. He got some good loot. FTFY
  3. Must be terrible to suck at this game... Protips: 1. don't join populated servers 2. stay away from high priority areas 3. Don't complain, you look like a bitch.
  4. I use Ventrilo, and it works great.
  5. Pickbo

    Stranded outside cherno

    Reading this font is straining to the eye.
  6. Only info i can give is that i took a walk through the woods and found a van deep in a wooded area. My guess is someone logged off there and was hopping to return to the van. I believe the van stays until it is moved. I've heard that it will disappear and respawn at the point after 7 days of nobody touching it. I think i found that on the wiki.
  7. Pickbo

    New Loading Screen (

    Good to hear it. :)
  8. Pickbo

    Hello! Noobie grief.

    Perfect use of the comma. Edit: Failed quote.
  9. Pickbo

    So I went prone in a bush...

    Glad we learned not to hide in bushes.. lol
  10. Pickbo

    i need help

    Don't be an egocentric asshole, leave his english alone.
  11. If someone is unconscious, you can scroll on their body and it gives the option to drag them. You can also put them in the car if you have one. I did that once and saved my buddies life when we were surrounded.. Needless to say it cost a few blood packs afterwards lol
  12. Update: I will be meeting up with a guy in game, who is in zombie mode currently, either tomorrow or Saturday to get some video of this situation. So those of you wanting proof will soon have it. :)
  13. Understandable. I started videoing my runs today, but all i have to offer is me and my 4 friends in a car get slottered by two guys with broken legs.. lol
  14. If that is the case i'm baffled, one minute he is running behind me, the next he is bleeding to death, and then trying to kill me... Either way, I'll start recording my runs, that way if i decide to post something, i won't get flamed for it.