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Posts posted by JStark

  1. The Hazert Gaming Community is now recruiting players from all aspects of game-play. From Scavengers to Hunters, Medics to Infantrymen all player types are welcome. We were formed by a small group of individuals coming together after being constantly hacked and script attacked, trolled by server admins, and failure of communication as lone wolves. Also, alliances with other well active clans/groups is a key of this post.

    Our primary objective is to create a team that is not only grand in size, but skill as well. The team consists of 200+ registered players at the moment and have a broad range of skill sets that follow. Zombie and hostile groups are the combative aspects that we engage. New players, explorers and just plain ol' casual DayZ players are what we aim to assist throughout the regions of new maps as they released. Hardcore Gamers, as well as casual players are all welcomed. The player base is a wide variety of different cultures and time zones.

    Currently we just started hosting a Origins server. It can barely get 10 players per night but need for involvement from new players. And we just currently started a Chenarus map today. We also have a Teamspeak server. Depending on the activity and amount of players will dictate when events and other suggestions will be implemented on the Chenarus map.

    This team was organized rather quick based on the same ideas and beliefs of how a DayZ experience should be. So with that said there is no written form of rules we abide at this time, but currently is in development. The team as a whole plans to set their footprint in the zombie apocalypse era type games regardless of platform, which is why were are open to applications at this time.


    -Normal Maturity level


    -Teamspeak 3

    -Have fun but also have some serious mission moments

    Visit www.hazert.co, once you are approved send me a message stating you came from this post, or reply to this post with the following information:

    *Note* If any other Clans/Groups/Gaming Community are interested in linking up, please feel free to send me a message with all the information about you group.

  2. The Human Assistance and Zombie Eradication Response Team Gaming Community is now recruiting players from all aspects of gameplay. From Scavengers to Hunters, Medics to Infantrymen all player types are welcome. We were formed by a small group of individuals coming together after being constantly hacked and script attacked, trolled by server admins, and failure of communication as lone wolves. Also, alliances with other well active clans/groups is a key of this post.

    Our primary objective is to create a team that is not only grand in size, but skill as well. The team consists of 200+ registered players at the moment and have a broad range of skill sets that follow. Zombie and hostile groups are the combative aspects that we engage. New players, explorers and just plain ol' casual DayZ players are what we aim to assist throughout the regions of new maps as they released. Hardcore Gamers, as well as casual players are all welcomed.

    Currently we host 3 game servers as a whole. We also have a Teamspeak server, and a 10-man Mumble server for those who are loyal mumble users. The player base is a wide variety of different cultures and time zones.

    This team was organized rather quick based on the same ideas and beliefs of how a dayz experience should be. So with that said there is no written form of rules we abide at this time, but currently is in development. The team as a whole plans to set their footprint in the zombie apocalypse era type games regardless of platform, which is why were are open to applications at this time.


    -Normal Maturity level


    -Teamspeak 3

    -Have fun but also have some serious mission moments

    Visit www.hazert.co, once you are approved send me a message stating you came from this post, or reply to this post with the following information:

    *Note* If any other Clans/Groups/Gaming Community are interested in linking up, please feel free to send me a message with all the information about you group.

  3. The Human Assistance and Zombie Eradication Response Team Gaming Community is now recruiting players from all aspects of gameplay. From Scavengers to Hunters, Medics to Infantrymen all player types are welcome. We were formed by a small group of individuals coming together after being constantly hacked and script attacked, trolled by server admins, and failure of communication as lone wolves. Also, alliances with other well active clans/groups is a key of this post.

    Our primary objective is to create a team that is not only grand in size, but skill as well. The team consists of 30+ players at the moment and have a broad range of skill sets that follow. Bandits, zombie and hostile groups are the combative aspects that we engage. New players, explorers and just plain ol' casual DayZ players are what we aim to assist throughout the regions of new maps as they released.

    Currently we host 4 private servers as a whole. They consist of : 1 Chernarus, 1 Lingor (Customized). We also host a Teamspeak server, and a 10-man Mumble server for those who are loyal mumble users. The player base is primarily US & UK currently, but actually prefer a wide variety of different cultures and time zones to cover a 24 hour operation at all times.

    This team was organized rather quick based on the same ideas and beliefs of how a dayz experience should be. So with that said there is no written form of rules we abide at this time, but currently is in development. The team as a whole plans to set their footprint in the zombie apocalypse era type games regardless of platform, which is why were are open to applications at this time.


    -Normal Maturity level


    -Teamspeak 3

    -Able to work as a team and also following chain of command

    -Have fun but also have some serious mission moments

    Visit www.hazert.co, once you are approved send me a message stating you came from this post, or reply to this post with the following information:





    -Preferred map

    -Preferred Role, if any

    *Note* If any other Clans/Groups/Gaming Community are interested in linking up, please feel free to send me a message with all the information about you group.

  4. The Human Assistance and Zombie Eradication Response Team Gaming Community is now recruiting players from all aspects of gameplay. From Scavengers to Hunters, Medics to Infantrymen all player types are welcome. We were formed by a small group of individuals coming together after being constantly hacked and script attacked, trolled by server admins, and failure of communication as lone wolves. Also, alliances with other well active clans/groups is a key of this post.

    Our primary objective is to create a team that is not only grand in size, but skill as well. The team consists of 75+ registered players at the moment and have a broad range of skill sets that follow. Bandits, zombie and hostile groups are the combative aspects that we engage. New players, explorers and just plain ol' casual DayZ players are what we aim to assist throughout the regions of new maps as they released. Hadcore gamers, as well as casual players are all welcomed.

    Currently we host 3 game servers as a whole. We also have a Teamspeak server, and a 10-man Mumble server for those who are loyal mumble users. The player base is primarily US & UK currently, but actually prefer a wide variety of different cultures and time zones to cover a 24 hour operation at all times.

    This team was organized rather quick based on the same ideas and beliefs of how a dayz experience should be. So with that said there is no written form of rules we abide at this time, but currently is in development. The team as a whole plans to set their footprint in the zombie apocalypse era type games regardless of platform, which is why were are open to applications at this time.


    -Normal Maturity level


    -Teamspeak 3

    -Able to work as a team and also following chain of command

    -Have fun but also have some serious mission moments

    Visit www.hazert.co, once you are approved send me a message stating you came from this post, or reply to this post with the following information:





    -Preferred map

    -Preferred Role, if any

    *Note* If any other Clans/Groups/Gaming Community are interested in linking up, please feel free to send me a message with all the information about you group.

  5. Hey well Ive gathered a decent sized amount of players that are usually consistent in their activity. We know they game pretty well now since most have ranged from the release of DayZ to just plain oh first week players. We play on two particular servers but they are private hives. Reason we have stayed on these servers is that there are no NVGs so at night its fair game unless they weapon has thermal or NV.

    But our goal is usually to avoid KoS (Kill on Sight) except for known regular players. We offer aid when we are able, and we do not only kill bandits but help with zombie hordes. The overall goal though is to provide a environment where you can worry less able kill on sight and more of a "Direct Chat" hashout when you come into contact with other players.

    And lastly, the roles our team brings to the game range in every aspect : Sniper, spotter, medic, assault, scavenger, drivers, leaders, security, and even decoys.

    If yall are ever interested then you can join up with us. Or also you can swing in on our TS server and I can make a Channel for yall and if yall just ever need us for a particular instance, then we can be easily accessible to yall and vice versa.
