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About Gouki4u

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Gouki4u

    What was your dumbest death?

    I was on top of a two level building with a few zombies at the bottom of the only ladder. I was out of bullets so I decided to try jumping down to the first level. It was only a few feet so I figured I could make it without breaking anything, and then do the same to get to the ground. Nope. Instead of simply stepping off the edge and falling a few feet I take a flying leap about twenty feet out from the building, breaking my legs and landing in the middle of the zombies. They ate me while I tried to crawl away.
  2. Gouki4u

    Melee Weapon Petition

    Signed. Even if it is just something that pushes a zombie back so we can run away more it would be better than what we have now.
  3. Gouki4u

    Player outposts

    I like both of these ideas. I'd be down for taking part in a kind of barter town outpost on a server, run by players. As a noob I wouldn't be able to bring much to the table in terms of protective firepower, or items for trade, but I think the idea is solid, and would participate. One thing people should remember is the survivors outnumber the bandits. There is strength in numbers.
  4. I enjoyed that. I love the brutal desperation of this mod, and your write up brings it across very well.
  5. Gouki4u

    IF this was an actual game...

    Game purchase only. Studio or community developed, whichever group would be better stewards moving forward. Community servers would be nice, but exploitable. The ability to have a private server for LAN parties is relevant to my interests.