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About lobsterman

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  1. In the last 2 days i encountered 4 hackers(1 of them im not sure, but it wouldn't surprise me) total in 4-5 hours of play, on 3 different servers. First one got everyone on the server, about 40 people, teleported to the airfield where he started shooting at us. I disconnected. Second dude was very nice. I was checking out the field above Stary, to see if it was safe to cross, he appeared behind me(no footsteps or anything), and started a very nice conversation, if i needed anything. Offered me a car, spawned an ammo box, and when i politely declined, he left. He was like the candyman of hackers, but at least he was nice, i appreciate the touch. Third one, im not so sure if he was a hacker or just has a really bad connection, but he ran through a field about 600 meters wide in under half a minute. We didn't bother eachother. Fourth one i think also teleported behind me, although im not sure, but there was no sound and there he was crouching next to the bush i was in(a bit of sniping atop Elektro /sorry to the 2 guys i shot, i was really bored/). I got startled, and proceeded to shoot him. 4 bullets in the chest area from abour 1-2 meters from my m24. He still lived, and moved, and then he sprayed me with one burst from his bizon(i think). Now im dead and he's probably fine. It really annoys me how many hackers there are, and how ruinous they are to the game. I mean after all this i dont want to play the game anymore. Low pop servers are mostly safe from them but then where's the fun? High pop servers are fucked, but it would be fun if these people weren't so annoyingly in everyone's way of fun. To all hackers: Just spawn yourself some weapons each time you die, if you cant live without your guns and camo, but don't ruin the game for everyone else PLEASE.
  2. lobsterman

    Making a downside to killing other players

    I was thinking of the same thing as this Das dude apparently: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/51443-everyones-a-bandit-suggestions-for-a-more-survival-type-of-gameplay/ :D
  3. People get so defensive about his issue. You know these are just suggestions, and not demands, right?
  4. PvE only is stupid. PvP is fine when done smartly. I mean if banditry happens in the form of actually robbing you and not shoot on sight. Or when you join up with a guy, and he backstabs you for an actual reason, like finding better loot then he has. I don't mind sniping either, if it's not everyone shooting your ass. PvP is cool if it's not free for all. Hell, even the game's trailer talks about paranoia, and distrust. Not about everyone shooting everyone else. That's why i suggest a subtle effect on the first few kills, and exponentially growing. Because then, you could potentially kill 2-3 guys without any real problems for yourself, but going on a murdering spree would actually be stupid, maybe even making you regret it.
  5. If the PvP is the focus, why have scavenging, why have zombies, why have the huge map and the primal needs? If it's about sniping dudes, play either standard ArmA2 multi or almost any other FPS? Exactly my point. Thank you :)
  6. I haven't been playing for too long(1.5 weeks), so i'm probably going ot get a lot of shit for this post but here goes. First off, everyone is a sociopath in this game. I've yet to meet anyone who haven't shot survivors on sight. This is supposed to be a co-op surviival type game right? So why is it only possible to team up with real life friends, or via forum posts? It should work the other way around. You log in, going through towns, scavenging, and when you find another player not shooting him, but teaming up against zombies and other nasty humans that want blood. There are multiple problems with this concept. One being that people are assholes, and they hunt others because either they want better gear, or they feel superior somehow when they shoot unarmed survivors with a high end sniper rifle. Another problem is the lack of punishment for killing another human, and dying. While i don't have a solution for the first one, i have ideas how the game could punish those wicked enough, and some more general ideas. Step 1: Killing an innocent is a weight on the soul. It should not be okay in any survivor's mind that 99% of the general population turned undead, and you just shoot a dude trying to get by. There should be ramifications. Especially if it was not a murderer in the first place. Killing just to get stuff to kill more people should be an evil thought in everyone's heads but the most sociopathic. First i thought mind consuming the body. The guilt weighting down the killer, so food and drinks don't satisfy him as they did before, health deteriorating(less maximum blood and/or food and blood items not healing that much). Then i thought, make it a little more interesting, why not tremors of the hand, twitching, hallucinations of the killed, maybe itchy trigger finger(held gun shooting itself off randomly). First kill would be a subtle effect but would grow exponentially with each consequent kill. I think these would all be suitable(im not sure how much of it can be executed in the engine) for lowering the number of people just hunting for sport. Maybe even a karma system would be good if it carried some weight on the murders done in previous lives. Step 2: Death is not so bad as it should be. Especially for people hunting in packs. They just gather their buddy's equiptment, or hoard other stuff in tents, and respawning is not as bad anymore. you have your stash, you have your buddies, even if you die and lose a good weapon, there's more where that came from. Either take away any form of hoarding in the game between lives, or limit it to very few items, as it stands now people who have good guns can get more good guns in one life than they can lose with dying. Make it so that they can't hoard them anymore, and people will think about putting themselves in dangerous situations anymore. Also if you loose almost everything, you can't get yourself killed and remove all the effects of murder you commited on your previous life. Also there are way too many guns in the game, and they are pretty predictable to find in the airfield, fire stations, crash sites(although that one is not so obvious). If there would be less guns, and they would be harder and more unpredictable to find, Elektro, Cherno, and the Stary-airfield area would stop being the PvP hotspots they are now, and losing a gun would mean something. When there are more melee weapons in the game and less firearms, death and item loss would mean more on the high end, and survival would not be so easy thus making people want to cooperate more. Step 3: The zombies themselves are not scary enough. I only have one half of a solution to make them more interesting, but it might be cool. Infection. If a zombie hurts you there should be a chance you get infected which essentially should make you not wanting to get hit. Bones being broken, blood getting spilled, is not enough as they are easily countered. Infection is a thing you dont want, there probably should be an very rarely(and not predictibly) spawning antidote to this, but it should be a thing to fear. It could lower your health(like the things mentioned in step 1). Step 4: No server hopping. People farming spots, jumping across multiple servers, exiting when trouble arises, is taking players out of the game's atmosphere, and are a very easy form of griefing, getting stuff with little threat, and basic death avoidance. I know a solution to alt-F4 is on the way, but juts disconnecting is doing the trick. Two things could counter this. 1, exit timer 15-30 secs, which would lock the player so that he can't escape quickly from getting shot, or eaten by zombies, and would make players log out in a safe spot. 2, simply disable alt-f4 while ingame 3, exiting a game(not kicked out by server, or other issues beyond the players control) would make it so that you can't log back in for say 10 minutes. This would also make players think about when and where they leave the game, and would hurt server hoppers considerably. These are just suggestions. I'm not saying this is what needs to happen. Hell, i don't even know if survival aspect is the real goal of the game, or it's going into PvP hell for a reason. I personally enjoy the game for its huge world, and just trying to survive, scavenging supplies, and while i understand the PvP aspect, and like the aspect of anyone can be an asshole and could try to backstab you, i don't like the fact that everyone is shooting anyone who they meet on sight, just to be safe. Making this a real survival game would make it way more interesting.
  7. My most annoying one has to be falling down some stairs, breaking my legs, and losing my hearing without morphine in the middle of the fricking nothing, having 1500 blood. I stuck to it, tried to crawl to the next town, but some asshole came the same way, stopped right in front of me, I asked him for assistance, but nothing. He just stared at me a while, and shot me in the head. The death that hurt me the most was my last one. I just looted a heli crash site(which had 15-20 zombies around it, which i found weird), it had a night scope FN FAL(4 clips), and a Bizon(3 clips), so i was happy as i could be. I went into the nearby forest thingking of getting out of the area(pretty near Stary), so i could be safe looking for some food. And in the middle of the forest there was a bike. I thought its time for a bit of fun after crawling next to that bloody heli for half an hour debating what i should get and how could i fit everything into my backpack without losing anything valuable. So i jumped on it and went east towards safety(i thought). And then a group of 5 guys came out of the forest, and without a second thought gunned me down. I fell in the water so hopefully they didnt recover my epic loot. And i think they gunned down one of their own too, because just as the shooting started another name came up being dead. Personally i love the game, but people always shoot me on sight, even though im always trying to be friendly. Too much PVP going on for my taste. i would love it if people trusted one another once in a while.
  8. lobsterman

    Banditry exploded

    Only met one dude who was willing to talk to me in the last 1.5 weeks. Others just shot on sight, and i have to say, the best weapon i ever had was the lee enfield, so you can't say they needed my gear :D
  9. lobsterman

    legs breaking randomly?

    I broke my leg today just walking (not sprinting) down some stairs. It sucked especially, because i had my most successful run to date, and i was a million miles from any big town without morphine... Im still in mourning :P
  10. So i got ArmA2 on the big sale on steam, and i've been playing it for the last couple of days. While i find the game very entertaining and suspenseful, i can't help but feel that the solo play is much harder than it should be. I would love to team up with people, but not via forum posts, that just ruins the experience. I think it's way more interesting to just meet at random and help eachother out. Most of my friends are either non gamers or not playing DayZ, and finding people ingame that i can actually play with is impossible. Any time i ran into a fellow survivor, they shot me on sight. This happened 10-15 times already. No chance to type, or speak, just shoot. Most of the times i didnt even have a weapon, let alone a good one. So i ask, why would you people be so awful. While i can see the bandit side's pros, i dont think a guy with a high end weapon will profit from killing a dude with (at most) an axe in any way. So with that i'm left on my own, avoiding people i see, taking in the wilderness. Or i would but thats just as much of a problem. Hitting up a hospital can yield a lot of bloodbags, so playing with at least 1 friend, you can get on easy with your life. No need to worry about zombies, you can avoid them if you are careful, and if you need supplies, you can get them, even if you get hurt there's always bloodbags, right? Playing on solo is a bit more difficult. First you have to get a weapon, preferrably an axe, as its quiet, and will not run out of chops in a million years. Then you are a bit safer, but you still need to find a matchbox and a hunting knife at least to get some blood in you. Canned foods are just healing too little even if your bag is full. Even in a low population server this can be a problem without people looting all the good places before you get there, since i found matchboxes to be pretty rare to find. You want to go country right, to find animals to hunt, and get away from the coast where people are sniping your ass. You are gonna need bandages, morphine, drinks, guns and ammo for that. Cant be running around with an axe, now can we? So you tempt fate by going in hospitals and shops. If you get everything(or most of the stuff anyway) you have probably alerted a few zombies already(if not people), with all the glitches, im sure you taken enough damage to get you down to around 7-9000 blood at this point. You go into the wilderness to find anything with four legs. Pretty rare in my opinion. In the 20-30 hours of playing i've seen around say 5 animals, and only once i had the tools to get meat out of the transaction. Even if you have the meat you have to cook it. Now granted i did it only once, and i used a flaming oil can, so that was pretty handy since i didnt have matches, but in the wilds if you dont have matches you are screwed, and as i said, matches are very rare in my experience. So being a solo player it sort of irritates me how easy it is to have a friend to use a blood bag on you, while i struggle to find the most basic supplies. So to survive in solo you need weapon, axe, matches, knife, an animal to kill, and somehow getting these things while staying above 4000 blood, with zombies and bandits at every corner. What do you need in coop? A blood bag. Don't take this as bitching, but playing alone is way harder than it should be. Not counting anything else like zombies knocking you unconscious at 9k blood and so forth, blood is just too hard to get by yourself, and too easy to get in coop. I would say take away the blood bag completely so everyone has the same playing field, or make it usable on yourself even with penalties to it. I know it should be easier in coop, but isnt an extra hand with killing, and an extra set of eyes and ears looking out for trouble enough of a help? I'm gonna stop crying, and get back to the game, because apart from these issues and frustrations, im still having a lot of fun. Just remember, suck it up, and deal with it are not helpful inputs on any matter. :D