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Everything posted by MattTheMont

  1. MattTheMont

    let's play namalsk!

    this map looks pretty cool
  2. MattTheMont

    Radio, anyone?

    oh you uninformed bambi! yes they are, they're just incredibly rare remnants from when they spawned.
  3. MattTheMont

    Radio, anyone?

    i can offer antibiotics, which will be an item you can use to get anything else basically that you would want..? lemm know
  4. MattTheMont

    [Trade] - Need tents!

    i haver a few tents, pm me i need a vehicle
  5. MattTheMont

    i have a radio for trade!

    wanna bike..?
  6. MattTheMont

    Vehicle fuel empty after reconnecting

    lol um horde vehicles much...?
  7. MattTheMont

    Trading Ghillie suit

    hey guys i got a ghillie suit i don't want, i'm looking for a car/ location of one or a G17 with ammo! or satchel charges... hehehe post what you got
  8. MattTheMont

    GTX 690 25 FPS in Cities..

    arma 2 is a strange....strange beast. i just bought a brand new setup for my computer and luckily dayz runs great on it. specs for you: AMD quad core A6-3650 8G DDR3 RAM AMD Radeon 6530D integrated graphics 1.5 TB hard drive also i added a dedicated graphics card from tigerdirect... amazing deal 24.99 for a 1G DDR3 card and i can also run most games on high settings no probb
  9. anyone out there know where a UAZ GAZ offroad pickup, or skoda is? i will offer anything i can for a working or damaged vehicle
  10. MattTheMont

    i'm looking for vehicles

    hoarding vehicles is the worst issue currently, hackers/ loser clans hold all the vehicles off map and nobody can use them lol... way to go dickwads
  11. MattTheMont

    i'm looking for vehicles

    thanks so much to the 1 guy with useful info lol...internet you're struck again
  12. hey guys pretty much what the title says, are the locations on dayZDB map up to date with car spawns? i can't seem to find any
  13. omg guys this has happened before and people who legitimately didn't ban are then un-banned... be patient.
  14. MattTheMont

    Vehicles still not saving

    hm well i too am able to save cars fine, try not logging out for 10 minutes or so after you save but idk... 'hysterics' is apparently just having a bad day? lol the game has issues clearly but it runs great for me and i still play all the time :) stay in there Anarchy keep trying
  15. ok i'm gonna drop this damn thing of nobody wants it, its just taking up space in my bag lol make an actual offer or i'll just drop it no difference to me
  16. MattTheMont

    Camo Clothing For Sale

    i added you, i'm montchalpere22
  17. MattTheMont

    Camo Clothing For Sale

    i'll take the m16a2 ammo and any m203 ammo if you got it
  18. MattTheMont

    'Hunter' Zombie?

    Is this a new forest type roaming zombie? does it refer to an existing zombie? anybody got any info on what the heck this new 'hunter' zombie is? apparently it drops bear traps occasionally
  19. MattTheMont

    'Hunter' Zombie?

    hahah thats funny, true too but hey i'r rather pick up an AK than a double barrel
  20. MattTheMont

    'Hunter' Zombie?

    ah hm ok that's kinda lackluster
  21. MattTheMont

    'Hunter' Zombie?

    yeah i'm not sure and i don't think i've seen any new zombie models yet...?
  22. haha you know most of that tv show takes place on night :P
  23. MattTheMont

    Vehicle Spawn points on DayZDB accurate?

    haha nice, yeah i really want to get a UAZ, been camping out the spawn locations for about a week across servers
  24. yeah because you will have to restart the server to erase all the duped items and unsaved buggy tents