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Everything posted by SirRorschach

  1. SirRorschach

    Antibiotics for sale.

    Hey there everyone. Me and my Squad got pretty darn lucky, we've come across a lot of Antibiotics, which can be extremely rare and a godsend for those who are infected with illness. So, we'd like to sell these, please either post here with an offer or pm me.
  2. SirRorschach

    Antibiotics for sale.

    What do you have in return?
  3. SirRorschach

    Antibiotics for sale.

    Add me on steam http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198038473774
  4. SirRorschach

    Antibiotics for sale.

    No, We found them in a tent (3 to be exact) So if they were exploited into the game, I wouldn't know.
  5. SirRorschach

    Antibiotics for sale.

    Hey there everyone. Me and my Squad got pretty darn lucky, we've come across a lot of Antibiotics, which can be extremely rare and a godsend for those who are infected with illness. So, we'd like to sell these, please either post here with an offer or pm me.