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Otis (DayZ)

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About Otis (DayZ)

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  1. Otis (DayZ)

    Bandit? Spawn without a weapon!

    That's a bit extreme isn't it? Not all Bandits are complete trigger happy dickwads. Yes it is a Zombie Survival game and not Call of Duty, but lets not turn it into Man vs Wild Impossible mode.
  2. Otis (DayZ)

    Military Ambience

  3. Otis (DayZ)

    Military Ambience

    I don't think we need to expand to much on the whole Cause/widespread but just to assume. That really only matters in campaigns and movies as the story is pretty vital. Still, i think the suggested ideas would help the atmosphere.
  4. Otis (DayZ)

    Headlamp or pistol/torch dual wield?

    I really like this idea man, would be cool to see it get implemented. I guess you could say another Con shows that you're extremely vulnerable when using it in the sense that you can be seen coming/aiming a lot easier.
  5. Otis (DayZ)

    Knocking you out and spawning...

    Don't worry bro, i know your pain. I found an M4 in a fire station in Elektro, try my best to avoid zombies and they spawn around me becoming startled. The FIRST hit and i'm out cold, along with a horde to come finish me off while all i can do is watch. Stuff like that can be really frustrating but you know... shit happens.
  6. Otis (DayZ)

    MERGED: Different Islands

    Doesn't look to bad, would probably run smoother then Chernarus but i don't think anyone is going to make a decision to implement the map in a while, especially not this early in the Alpha. I like it though bro.
  7. Otis (DayZ)

    Shift time of day +12 hours

    I really wouldn't mind that idea. Living in New Zealand can be a pain when the only Australian server is full 24/7. I haven't gotten in at ALL. This means i have to stay up till at least 10'ish to play in Daytime/dawn for the US servers (Internet can't really handle the RU ones). I know it sounds like I'm bitching, and really, i am. Another solution could just be more Australian servers but I'm not going to go that far.
  8. Otis (DayZ)

    Military Ambience

    Pretty cool to see a lot of people have seen my idea and have added their two cents. Hopefully a Dev has taken a look at it too :D
  9. Otis (DayZ)

    Military Ambience

    That's exactly what i was trying to portray. Fighter Jets are probably a better example. If at all possible it could affect gameplay it should only be at the very most something like; Helicopter on a flight path around Chernarus, low on fuel and will eventually crash. If you're lucky enough you can find the crash sight somewhere inland and find a possible military grade weapon, but nothing too flash, just some cool loot as it would be an extremely rare situation.
  10. Otis (DayZ)

    Military Ambience

    First i'd like to start by saying that I am extremely satisfied with this Mod. Thank you for putting so much effort into your work, I've been enjoying the mod immensely, a few bugs here and there but in the end it's worth it just to play. So with my suggestion which is just a small one and hopefully doesn't outrage anyone. I would like to suggest some small Military interference, now wait... Take a second to chill out before you start thinking about Heavy armoured squads murdering everything because that's not what i am trying to suggest. What I'm really trying to suggest are small things that show that there is a mysterious military force present, and ways that this could be achieved could be like a simple Helicopter (perhaps scripted) to down the coastline with a spotlight. Imagine how great that would look at Night on your way down the main road and suddenly hearing a Black-hawk fly above your head, spotting along the road (Not actually shooting or harming anything, more so scouts). I personally think that this would be a great way to further create the Zombie Outbreak atmosphere to show that there are remnants of the Army left in Chernarus. It would be similar to what is seen in the movie, Dawn of the Dead, when an Army Helicopter is flying over them giving the people (players) false hope that they're safe. Anyway that's just a suggestion of mine :), feel free to criticize of course.