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Everything posted by vodkaowl

  1. Date/Time: 5/23/2012 - 8:50pm PST What happened: Joined a server and 90% of my equipment was gone Where you were: laying in doorway inside a house in Sosnovka What you were doing: trying to play the game *Current installed version: *Server(s) you were on: Dallas 3, previous to that I was on SE 6 which said it was version but when I tried joining and playing I got the message that said I had the wrong version that the server was *Your system specs: available upon request *Timeline of events before/after error: Joined SE6, stuck in a doorway couldn't move, server said I had the wrong version that the server was running even though in the lobby it said it was, switched to Dallas 3 and my guy kept doing this weird motion, checked my pack and it was empty besides stuff like my map and compass. Attached is a picture I took earlier in the day of my equipment as well as what I have after the incident You know what, screw it, I'll just start over. I kind of wanted to restart anyways.
  2. vodkaowl

    Loud Sound -> Everyone died

    Happened to me the other day, I just rolled with and pretended I had an brain aneurysm.
  3. vodkaowl

    Night ambush (pictures)

    DayZ tough guys out in full force, I apologize for having fun.
  4. When the only fun way to kill players anymore is to bait zombies to them with tin-cans.
  5. vodkaowl

    How well geared are you?

    I had quite the set up going, until a glitch took it all away.
  6. vodkaowl

    Lost all my equipment?!

    Happened to me again! After scavenging together some equipment after all my gear was lost last time. I logged out in the NW Airfield barracks, logged in today and I was on the coast and couldn't move. Disconnected/reconnected and found myself in the debug forest with no gear again! This is making the game unplayable if I lose my gear every day...
  7. vodkaowl

    Lost all my equipment?!

    No sir, still a bandit.
  8. vodkaowl

    Everyone is a Bandit

    77206 alive characters 8210 bandits 10% of Characters are bandits, that's hardly "everyone".
  9. vodkaowl

    DayZ Execution

    Reminds me of my homeland.
  10. vodkaowl

    Spawning in "debug area"

    I have the same problem.
  11. vodkaowl

    Warped to Debug Area: 'Wilderness'

    In the debug desert Date/Time: 5/21/12 - 10:30pm What happened: Trying to find a server, finally logged in and found myself in the debug area Where you were: I was originally at the NE airfield, but now I'm stuck in the debug area What you were doing: Logging in *Current installed version: *Server(s) you were on: Dallas 3, US hardcore 3, a few others, I was just trying to find a server that was at night with a moderate amount of people. *Timeline of events before/after error: Logged out earlier, server hopping to find a good server and wound up in the debug area Tried switching servers, disconnectin/reconnecting, creating a new profile, nothing works. Just plain stuck, I really don't want to lose my gear :|
  12. vodkaowl

    pro tip

    If you ask someone if they are friendly, and they don't respond they're hostile. If they do respond it's a trap.
  13. vodkaowl

    Server side upgrade = birds?

    God I hope I spawn as a Spotted Flycatcher
  14. Haha I totally need the Takistani Commander skin! It would fit perfectly with the Idi Amin personality.
  15. vodkaowl

    Forum suggestion

    Can we please change the font color on the forums? The grey is very hard to read on the black background, at least it is for me. White would be nice.
  16. vodkaowl

    The Loot Bus! *HONK HONK*

    I laughed out loud when you guys ran into that bandit in Cherno
  17. .:The Bandit Survey:. .: So why have you chosen to walk the path of “darkness"(was it for the beans =p?) Path of darkness! I Have chosen no such path, I have chosen a path of righteousness and benevolence! I am here to guide young players, show them the error of their ways. I am here to humble old players, remind them of their hubris. I am here to show groups they are not invincible, convince them they are always at risk. .: Lets talk about tactics, what are yours? I find a spot that people travel, I sit 600-800 meters away and I shoot. .: Do you prefer to hunt alone or in a pack? Both work, 80% alone, 20% in packs. I generally do not trust others, they have not worked for my beans so I shall not grant them a chance to take them. .: Your preferred hunting ground(s)? Everywhere, being to complacent leads to disaster. .: What are your weapons of choice? m107 .: Your greatest strength as a Bandit? Distance, psychological. .: Now how about a weakness of yours, come on everyone has one? I tend to chat up my victims, play with their heads a bit too much. .:Lastly, how about telling us your greatest moment(s) as a Bandit of Chernarus? Today I found out two people were in Belota, I convinced them that I was on top of the air tower with broken legs and bleeding. I told them I needed a bandage and morphine, sure enough a bandit comes strolling up into the tower. 400 meters away, he barely heard the shot before it hit him.
  18. vodkaowl

    Change Bandit Skin

    If bandit skins aren't going to be removed, I think the NAPA skin is more appropriate for the setting than the KSK skin. Comparison: Napa KSK Also, all the Napa skins (excluding the ghillie ) could be randomized like the survivor skins to give bandits more variety
  19. vodkaowl

    Should we scrap bandit models?

    Yes. In real life you cannot discern a bandit from a survivor, often bandits look the most like survivors. Also, it adds tension to the game... people are getting a little too trustworthy.
  20. vodkaowl

    IF this was an actual game...

    It has to be a game purchase. The game should be developed by a Studio, but with heavy community support! Always listen to your community. A kickstarter might not be a bad way to raise capital, but don't rely on those who donate for ideas/gameplay.