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About vodkaowl

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  1. vodkaowl

    Loud Sound -> Everyone died

    Happened to me the other day, I just rolled with and pretended I had an brain aneurysm.
  2. vodkaowl

    Night ambush (pictures)

    DayZ tough guys out in full force, I apologize for having fun.
  3. When the only fun way to kill players anymore is to bait zombies to them with tin-cans.
  4. vodkaowl

    How well geared are you?

    I had quite the set up going, until a glitch took it all away.
  5. vodkaowl

    Lost all my equipment?!

    Happened to me again! After scavenging together some equipment after all my gear was lost last time. I logged out in the NW Airfield barracks, logged in today and I was on the coast and couldn't move. Disconnected/reconnected and found myself in the debug forest with no gear again! This is making the game unplayable if I lose my gear every day...
  6. vodkaowl

    Lost all my equipment?!

    No sir, still a bandit.
  7. Date/Time: 5/23/2012 - 8:50pm PST What happened: Joined a server and 90% of my equipment was gone Where you were: laying in doorway inside a house in Sosnovka What you were doing: trying to play the game *Current installed version: *Server(s) you were on: Dallas 3, previous to that I was on SE 6 which said it was version but when I tried joining and playing I got the message that said I had the wrong version that the server was *Your system specs: available upon request *Timeline of events before/after error: Joined SE6, stuck in a doorway couldn't move, server said I had the wrong version that the server was running even though in the lobby it said it was, switched to Dallas 3 and my guy kept doing this weird motion, checked my pack and it was empty besides stuff like my map and compass. Attached is a picture I took earlier in the day of my equipment as well as what I have after the incident You know what, screw it, I'll just start over. I kind of wanted to restart anyways.
  8. vodkaowl

    Everyone is a Bandit

    77206 alive characters 8210 bandits 10% of Characters are bandits, that's hardly "everyone".
  9. vodkaowl

    DayZ Execution

    Reminds me of my homeland.
  10. vodkaowl

    Spawning in "debug area"

    I have the same problem.
  11. vodkaowl

    Warped to Debug Area: 'Wilderness'

    In the debug desert Date/Time: 5/21/12 - 10:30pm What happened: Trying to find a server, finally logged in and found myself in the debug area Where you were: I was originally at the NE airfield, but now I'm stuck in the debug area What you were doing: Logging in *Current installed version: *Server(s) you were on: Dallas 3, US hardcore 3, a few others, I was just trying to find a server that was at night with a moderate amount of people. *Timeline of events before/after error: Logged out earlier, server hopping to find a good server and wound up in the debug area Tried switching servers, disconnectin/reconnecting, creating a new profile, nothing works. Just plain stuck, I really don't want to lose my gear :|
  12. vodkaowl

    pro tip

    If you ask someone if they are friendly, and they don't respond they're hostile. If they do respond it's a trap.
  13. vodkaowl

    Server side upgrade = birds?

    God I hope I spawn as a Spotted Flycatcher