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Everything posted by greatgazoo

  1. greatgazoo

    US 1234

    All good now guys. Thanks.
  2. greatgazoo

    US 1234

    Just tried, still banned. Let me know what you need for the unban, server was fun while it lasted. Having admins that actively play and ban is great.
  3. greatgazoo

    US 1234

    Yeh, the chopper came out of no where, had no idea what was going on, we thought it was hackers ourselves. :)
  4. greatgazoo

    US 1234

    Me and a friend was banned from this server as well. We were scouting the woods to the west looking for vehicles after a fresh spawn and being killed by a teleporting hacker (whom you banned), came across a few tents and a vehicle. Were looting some weapons and ammo from the tents, saw a chopper fly above us, held ground, then all of a sudden we see two people eject from the chopper right above us, so we figured hostile and shot them down, killed both, while running to loot the spoils, we get banned for "HACKING", not sure if that was your camp or not, but we surely weren't hacking. Our names were ">>> Gazoo" and ">>> Tyrant"
  5. Not sure who, but was venturing out in the forests, saw two vehicles (Tractor and some kind of car), includine a person near it. Was looking to see if he would D/C soon after, randomly saw two ATVs driving toward me but I was proned in thick bush with a ghillie so it must have mate it hard to see me, I emptied about 6-7 shots of an AKM from 50 meters or so, guy got out of the ATV like nothing, then emptied the remaining clip (20~ish) directly into the second survivor. No dice, shortly after, one guy teleported directly behind me (I saw it) and started firing his Bizon, luckily since it's such a weak gun, and he's such a bad shot, I had time to abort before the inevitable happened. TL;DR: Two of the following 4 people other people on the server are suspected of hacking: DinoBarf, GodlyKills, mark, OldManMcD. Sorry if I wrongly accuse anyone, but with no nametags theres no way of knowing which. TL;DR: Hacker was GodlyKills, confirmed. He talked in game while spawning choppers etc. Good luck!
  6. I made my recent home on server US147, the next day got all of those in my group got hit by horrendous FPS lag, made it unplayable, and players would constantly lose connection, we would all get kicked from the server by BattleEye, etc. I then tried to use US148 that day, worked fine, came in today, same horrible FPS lag for everyone. I notice some servers have automatic restart schedules, is there anyway of determining which of these do (other than joining a bunch and hoping to see it in the MOTDs?)