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Everything posted by Obsolescence

  1. Obsolescence

    How do you protect yourself against betrayal?

    Every moment you spend in DayZ with a stranger carries the risk of them killing you. There is no way to avoid that possibility short of avoiding strangers altogether. I've fooled dozens of people, across my whole playtime, into turning their back on me so I could cleanly and safely extract all their loot with my melee weapon or pistol. I doubt there was any way they could tell what I was going to do, to be honest, or anything they could have done to prevent it. It's the apocalypse, if you want to run around trusting people that's your call, but I wouldn't recommend it... you might run into me :D
  2. Obsolescence

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    I'm a 3PP player, and I think it's a worthwhile change to make, even though it will directly impact the way I play the game. What's your theory now, theory man?
  3. Obsolescence

    Second thoughts about my banditry..

    I like just going with how I'm feeling at that moment in time. I'm very much a KoS player, but if you're a fresh spawn and you see me running down the coastline as I'm prone to do once kitted out - I'll probably just have a quick conversation with you and leave a bag of rice (which I found out today really dehydrates you -_-). You encountered fresh spawns. There's no reason not to shoot geared people on sight and hand out gifts to newspawns. You aren't a bandit anymore, you're Robin Hood, taking from those who have, and giving to those who have not. :rolleyes:
  4. Obsolescence

    The very first kill. Do you remember yours?

    My first kill in the mod: I tried to lonewolf it around the mountains north of Elecktro, mainly trying to avoid other people until I came across a guy in a barn with a crossbow. He was turned away, and I had a chance to run, but I wanted to interact with him. I had an Enfield with one mag. I started to say, "Freeze! Don't move or turn around!", but I only made it to "don't" before that shiny crossbow bolt started turning my way. One shot, one kill. And I felt super bad about it at the time. My first kill in the SA: I befriended and then beat three people to death in the apartments section of Cherno. Knocked the first one out with my fists, stole his wrench and clubbed the other two before finishing off the first. Never trust strangers...
  5. Obsolescence

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    Reasons I Like 3PP: I like seeing how well blended in I am with my environment. I like looking around/over stuff. I enjoy watching my character's animations. It makes it easier to determine my current stance (arms up/down, crouching/standing, using items, etc.) Doesn't make my eyeballs hurt as much when the FPS drops in the cities. Reasons I Like 1PP: Scarier / More Immerse So the purist in me wants 1PP because it's that extra, painful step towards realism, but I'd be lying to say I won't be sad if they remove 3PP. The idea of running from Kamenka to NWAFB sounds a lot less enjoyable if I can't watch my character during the trip. Also, rotating in this game is a painful affair in 1PP, unlike say, the source engine. Comparing this game's 1PP experience to other FPSs / less clunky non-simulators is inane. I'll be happy and play the game either way, but I feel certain I will enjoy the actual playing of the game less if restricted to 1PP.
  6. The only thing more cowardly than a combat logger is someone who is so scared to die and so in love with their gear that they have to hide on an illegitimate server with admins to protect them from an integral part of the gameplay.
  7. Obsolescence

    Is Dayz worth it?

    The game is buggy, the graphics are scrappy, the interface is jankity, the features are not fully implemented, however, there is no other game in which you can have the same kind of visceral fight-for-your-life experience. If you want polish, wait, if you want an unforgetable experience, buy.
  8. Obsolescence

    [Falcon] DayZ Standalone Roleplay/Realism Server Private Shard

    Realism server? How is this more realistic than default? Is it not realistic to lie about your identity or use a false name? Is it not realistic to be able to fire your gun whenever you want, at whatever you want, for any reason you want? Rule 5.1 "You may only proceed with your hostile actions, after the player you are speaking to has responded, or otherwise acknowledged your message" Player 1: "Har, har, this is a stick-up. Put your hands where I can see them and drop your goods" Player 2: Ignores the message, or is playing with no sound, and simply walks away Player 1: "Drat..." This type of server seems ripe for abuse by admins/mods/their clan/their friends. In a he said / she said scenario, who do you think the mods are going to side with? Their buddies, that's who... Am I wrong, or is this just a server for people who are too attached to their gear and too afraid to die?
  9. Obsolescence

    113772, thirst still not fixed

    You didn't 'buy' the alpha. The alpha isn't for sale. You pre-ordered the full release and as an extra incentive they allowed you to access the game in it's alpha state to help test. Nobody actually owes you anything and you aren't deserving of anything until the full game releases. Items along the coast will be more plentiful as the next few days go by. The problem right now is that most people don't understand how to survive and so they're either too scared to leave the coast or they're all running up the east or west sides of the map. Personally, I've had great luck surviving by just spawning, finding some approximate northern direction, and running until I find some buildings. The towns in the center of the map are the least rummaged through and thus have the best chance of good loot.
  10. Obsolescence

    blood type is pretty stupid

    Yeah, I agree, it's a fantastic feature! What the OP described, having to shoot someone in the leg and all just to take blood from them, is one of the best / most interesting reasons for player interaction I've ever heard of. If you play as a bandit and this kind of increased difficulty makes you squirm, then go back to being a friendly and leave the banditry to those who like difficulty.
  11. Obsolescence

    Here we go again ..armed players kill newspawns..

    If you increase the zombie strength and make them more of a threat, it only gives greater incentive to let the friendlies do the looting and the bandits to kill them and take their stuff.
  12. Obsolescence

    Brightness settings at night ruining this game!

    Why don't they just remove the moon? As far as I can tell, the gammawarrior trick only works if the moon is slightly illuminating everything. Sure, you lose a bit of realism by removing the moon, but you put everyone on the same playing field as the gamma trick only works for things that are partially illuminated.
  13. So before the last patch my mouse was working pretty good. Had both Y and X setting at lowest. Despite being a little jankity, it worked pretty well and felt consistent whether moving along the X or Y axis. Now, after the last patch, despite having the same settings I had before (yes I changed and reset them again), the Y axis seems inherently much more sensitive. Any help? Ideas? Similar complaints?
  14. Obsolescence

    Brightness settings at night ruining this game!

    That can't just make flashlights work like they do in real life. Light, for computers to simulate, is very complicated. The calculations needed to render a light-source go up exponentially as you make that light-source more realistic.
  15. It was an inky black night with a full moon when I spawned in at the airfield, ran to the Cherno apartment buildings and found two guys running around with flashlights in their hands, geared up with backpacks, axes, crowbars, and motorcycle helmets... "HELLO," I called out, "I only have a flashlight, please don't kill me". They accepted me as one of their own, and off our little troupe went, three flashlights bobbing in the distance. Suddenly we ran up on a stranger and there was tension in the air, but he spoke with his mic and was pleasant. He joined our group and off we went again in search of treasure and loot, four flashlights bobbing in the distance. However, I was beginning to get bored with the comradery and plotted to kill them all. I knocked one of them unconscious with the only weapon I had, my fists, and in the ensuing confusion I stole his wrench and equipped it. He was screaming over his mic for his friend to "give me the axe," but in the darkness there was no way to tell who was who. And so, with a smile on my face and a song in my heart, I bludgeoned the other two to death as well. Then I stole everything I could carry and buried the rest. Checking that they could still hear me over Direct Chat, I introduced them to one of our communities' most popular phrases... "WELCOME TO DAYZ!!!" And with that, off I ran into the surrounding wilderness with full packs and pockets of pilfered goods, and only one flashlight bobbing in the distance =)
  16. All the people want to know is when will we get our Makarov's back?
  17. Obsolescence


    This thread is so full of win I teared up...
  18. Obsolescence

    First 30 Minutes Of Banditry!

    If betraying a person's trust is cowardice then I'm as much a coward as Han Solo and Luke Skywalker when they dressed up in stormtrooper outfits to save princess Leia. I'm sure Darth Vader would have called them cowards too. Funny how relative it all is, no? Given, I wasn't trying to save anyone else from death or torture, I was just trying to save myself the time of having to collect all that gear by hand. Also, I just wanted to see if these three muppets would just allow me to beat them all to death like Antarctic seals. Answer: yes.
  19. Rocket said it many times before IIRC. The Arma 2 mod was a proof of concept job to get the backing to do this game. This alpha release was the reason the mod was made in the first place. Witness!
  20. Obsolescence

    Temporary solution to lack of HUD info

    Thanks for this. Much appreciated!
  21. I can't seem to figure out how to find enough food to survive. If I spend all my time rooting through cherno or something I might not starve to death, but I still can't find enough food to feel comfortable just trekking off into the wilderness. Maybe if I could eat my beans without a can opener, but relying on rotten fruit has proved disastrous. Don't get me wrong, I'm still having fun starting new characters and causing trouble, but I don't seem to have any hope of surviving more than an hour or so without losing my vision and then going unconscious due to starvation, and sometimes dehydration. Am I missing something? Can we even hunt animals (are there any)? Is there a farm with plants growing that I just don't know about? TLDR: Have you found enough food to survive more than an hour or so, and if so, how and where do you find this magical sustenance?
  22. Obsolescence

    First 30 Minutes Of Banditry!

    Sure, a sign of weakness, I'll own that. I was weak. I only had my fists to fight with against 3 survivors with weapons. I had to knock one to the ground, steal his weapon, kill the other 2 and come back for the first one before he got back on his feet. Besides, betrayal teaches new DayZ players the most important lesson of all - never trust strangers. If anything I did them a favor in the long run. They'll thank me later when they have actual gear to lose :P
  23. Obsolescence

    Has anyone figured out how to survive?

    Yeah but how did you open the cans? I still have yet to find a can opener...
  24. Obsolescence

    Has anyone figured out how to survive?

    Does it matter if you run/walk? Cause I just run everywhere by default but I could walk if I knew it would keep me rested.
  25. Obsolescence

    First 30 Minutes Of Banditry!

    Thanks for the beans! I love all the new people flooding in. It's great to remind people how vicious strangers in this game can be.