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Everything posted by Obsolescence

  1. I had one a threw it away for a M14 AIM before I ever tried it in combat. Now I kind of regret it. The M14 AIM is so loud that I can't hardly use it around zombies if I'm not killing my target with the first shot. Has anyone had any experience with the M16A4 ACOG? Did you like it? Should I trade my M14 for it should I find one again?
  2. I've started getting this message from at least one server, if not multiple servers. I don't even know how to use scripts. Some of the other posts on this topic seem to indicate that it is related to using vehicles, but I haven't used a vehicle in over 3-5 deaths and it was just a bicycle for like 20 seconds. Really frustrating!
  3. EDIT: Extra question, if someone logs after taking a DMR round to the chest (8000 dmg according to DayZDB) wont they still be at 4000+ and be fully capable of recovery? Some moron was target practicing at NWAFB today, in a Ghillie suit, on a bare hilltop with no trees around. I snuck up behind him and missed the headshot like a nublet. He either alt-f4'ed or disconnected after the DMR bodyshot knocked him unconcious, because he lay there unconcious for a couple seconds before standing back up, I put another round in him as he stood. No kill message, but my bandit kill count increased and when I walked to where his body had been, I could here the flies buzzing, but I saw his body sink into the ground and was unable to aquire my on Ghillie. This was my first time ever seeing someone disc/alt-f4 as I rarely kill anyone (or see them), do you agree that that is what he did? Back to my subject question, I was wondering if I had hit him in the head and killed him instantly would he still have been able to alt-f4/disc and deny me his suit? I mainly want to know this because I want to know how bad I should feel for missing my headshot. Thanks, as always!
  4. I have several questions about where to place tents: How far away do people normally place them away from loot / areas-of-interest? 1km? 2 km? 5km? Do you need vehicles to make use of tents, because they need to be placed so far away? What types of items do experienced players normally play in tents? Guns? Ammo? Only rare items? How much room do people normally have in their inventory when they make scavenging runs? Enough to fit a primary weapon? As always, thanks for the help.
  5. My guess is that most of the people crying about this change are from "generation easy-mode." If you think it is impossible to survive without a gun you are doing it wrong. Google: DayZDB Map Look at the loot spawns and find a gun if you need to.
  6. I started playing after they took the pistol away from atarting equipment. This change is not necessary. A pistol wont save you from snipers on the coast and will only facillitate early deathmatching.
  7. Obsolescence

    DayZ Tutorial: How to get geared up quickly

    it can take hours to get geared up outside of the coast, running from place to place. And ecen if you stay on the coast cherno/electro have the most spawns per zed. Unless you have lots of time to blow, why not suicide until you are close to a major city?
  8. Obsolescence

    Can GPS track other players?

    Yes you can. My friend could see me on his map, we had to be close or within sight. Also, the server must allow location dots. However, I'm talking about the fullscreen map and not the little gps window.
  9. Obsolescence

    Looking for extra player

    I wish I could join you. I have to play on American servers because of ping. From the videos I've seen, European players seem to be much more talkative and friendly.
  10. Once I join a server is there anyway to see the server name without exiting? Sorry for the simple question, but I really don't know if this is possible / how.
  11. Obsolescence

    Easy way to switch from main gun to axe ?

    BEWARE! I believe you need 10 slots + a slot for each ammo item you have or else you will lose the ammo as it will attempt to follow the gun to your backpack.
  12. All the message does is allow people to be lazy and comfortable. I don't have to get closer to see if he is unconcious or dead, because god whispered the answer in my ear? If you want this to be COD or some other BS shooter, why not add a "killed by" message and a "hit indicator" so we know when we hit people as we spray and pray.
  13. Obsolescence

    Zombie Speed

  14. Obsolescence

    Side Chat

    I'd like side chat enabled. Once they implement radios or other devices for global chat then I'm fine with them removing it again, but it would help new players get basic questions answered without clogging the forums. Also, people wouldn't have to post on the forums just to find someone to play with or trade with. EDIT: I wouldn't want voice side chat. Just text side chat.
  15. This is probably not something that could be implemented until the stand-alone release with Arma III, but I'd love to see more bad types. Right now, we have a primary inventory, secondary inventory, and toolbelt, but only 1 bag type (backpacks). I'd like to see: 1) Backpacks 2) Ammo vests/pouches/pockets 3) Toolbelts with various sizes Backpacks would remain as-is. Ammo vests/pouches/pockets would vary in size from 2 slots to 8 slots. Only ammo in this inventory section could be used to reload (otherwise you'd have to move in from your backpack). Toolbelts would allow you to have more tools at the ready at any given time. Only tools in your toolbelt could be used (no compass use if it is in your backpack). In addition to this, I'd like to see a weight limit for characters similar to other "big world" games like the Bethesda franchises. Except more realistic, in the sense that your run speed is reduced from 0% to 15% depending on the amount of items you have on you (not just a binary state of underburdened/overburdened). Plus, I'd like it if your noise radius was increased as you pack more stuff in to represent all that shit jostling around. Can you imagine rolling while prone with 8 cans of beans in your backpack, 10 feet from a zombie? *CLANK CLANK CLANK* *RWAR RWAR RWAR* "YOU ARE DEAD"
  16. Obsolescence

    Reduce Blood Recovery of Cooked Meat

    I don't have any issue with blood bags because they require a partner, and require you to venture into cities to aquire. Not to mention, attempting a blood transfusion in combat is risky for both players. You can easily eat 6 cooked meats in combat within a span of 15 seconds. It isn't even slightly difficult. One cooked meat can heal you for almost the same blood as a 9mm round bodyshot does in damage [+800b vs -889b]. Am I the only one who doesn't think that is a good thing?
  17. Obsolescence

    Reduce Blood Recovery of Cooked Meat

    From my OP: "I'd prefer to see cooked meat give you 400 blood, or at the very least, 600 blood." Thread title: "Reduce Blood Recovery of Cooked Meat" So, I'm saying I'd like Cooked meat blood recovery reduced to 400 blood, or at the very least, reduced to 600 blood. A 400 point blood recovery reduction is less of a reduction than a 200 point blood recovery reduction. I apologize if you had trouble following that incredibly complex relational construction. Also, I didn't know people cared about post count. I'm guessing you do?
  18. Obsolescence

    Removal of NVGs and Thermal Scopes

    Just removing whatever duping glitch some players are using and they may be rare enough. Otherwise add batteries in the game. NVGs use a shit ton of batteries.
  19. Everyone by now knows about the various ammo conversion "exploits" that have an adverse effect on the game by not forcing higher-geared players to enter dangerous loot zones as often/ever for ammo. How it works now: Using M1911, you convert your [2 of 7] 0.45 ACP clip to a [6 of 6] 0.45 ACP speedloader and then back to a [7 of 7] 0.45 ACP clip. Hooray, terrible exploitation. How it could work: Using M1911, you find a [6 of 6] 0.45 ACP speedloader and convert it to a [6 or 7 of 7] 0.45 ACP clip. You unable to convert it back to a [6 of 6] 0.45 ACP speedloader unless you equip a Revolver. This solution would prevent lonewolves from having infinite ammo unless they used 5 backpack slots for a second pistol. Primary weapons/ammo would work similarly. Pairs or squads would still be able to do it if they trade clips (not a perfect solution).
  20. Obsolescence

    Only Allow Ammo Conversion for Currently Equipped Gun

    They're mad at me because I made 3 unrelated suggestion topics this morning. 1) Only allow ammo conversions for the weapon you're holding 2) Not start out with a vest capable of carrying 20 items (12 primary / 8 secondary) 3) Reduce the blood recovery of cooked meat to 400 or 600 from 800 I don't know why I'm receiving all this hate either, but apparently any suggestion that would make the game even slightly more challenging gets you personal attacks from a swarm of baddies.
  21. Obsolescence

    Reduce Blood Recovery of Cooked Meat

    I have a Coyote Backpack atm. That's 24 slots, plus 20 in my accessible inventory. I carry: 3 Primary clips 4 Secondary clips 4 Bandages 3 Water bottles 4 Morphine 1 Epi 4 Painkillers 1 Heatpack 2 Bloodbags If I accounted for everything that's 26 of 44 inventory slots, leaving me with 18 slots for miscellaneous shit, extra ammo, and, yes, normally 4-8 cooked meat. Also, I've never combat logged, but I do normally play on lower pop servers. I'd appreciate if you took your projections and put them on someone else.
  22. Obsolescence

    Different Bags for Different Purposes

    The only items you should need at-the-ready for in-combat use is clips/nades/smoke/bandage and maybe morphine. Food, water, etc could all be retrieved from your backpack after you stop in a bushy area and get them out. I do think they could implement this. Just start people with an invisible item that takes up multiple slots (so they disappear like when you have a multi-slot item), When a player finds a new vest in package form (like Ghillie or Camo) the invisible item is replaced by one that takes up fewer slots. It definitely seems feasible. As far as the sound/speed ideas, the purpose would be to create a tradeoff between speed/noise and preparedness. If you want to be able to move swiftly and quietly then you take the Czech Pouch (6 slots). If you want to be able to travel across the map with all the equipment you could possibly need then you take your Coyote Backpack. In real life, soldiers/hunters/campers/hikers make decisions like this every day. Do I want to haul 200 lbs of gear and be bulky, loud, and slow? Or would I rather carry only the essentials with me and be lithe, quiet, and fast?
  23. Obsolescence

    Reduce Blood Recovery of Cooked Meat

    Bad? Mad? I can't decide. I didn't realize most people were so terrible at this game that halving the blood recovery from cooked meat would cause all of this QQing and rage-trolling. If they reduced the blood recovery for everything by half I would be fine. If you wouldn't then you must be really struggling to maintain yourself.
  24. Obsolescence

    Different Bags for Different Purposes

    Yeah but I'd like more gear to collect. Why should you always wash up on the beach with an ammo vest capable of carrying 20 clips/items within arms reach (12 primary & 8 secondary). Why not start with 2 primary & 2 secondary (representing 4 pockets in your jeans) until you collect larger and larger vests just like backpacks?
  25. Obsolescence

    Reduce Blood Recovery of Cooked Meat

    Where is your sense of adventure? Since I aquired hunting gear I've had precisely 0 difficulty recovering my blood whether I start at 4000 blood or 8000 blood. You can shoot me with a 7.62 NATO for 8K blood and within 1 minute I'm back at full health as if nothing had ever happend. Why would it be bad to make it slightly more challenging to recover from mortal wounds?