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Everything posted by Chabo

  1. Chabo

    New to DayZ and PC gaming. Help!

    As the poster above me said, it's easier for us to give you ideas if we know what we got to work with. If it's an Alienware and got a few years on it's back it might not be as good as people think, Hardware form a couple of years ago is fairly outdated compared to the hardware today and new hardware today is really cheap if you are not going for a really high end /extreme build.
  2. Chabo


    the dayz crew cant unban you, they got nothing to do with global bans. you need to go to arma's official website and contact them there.
  3. if you have a sniper rifle, no as50 or m107 because that single hit kills. just pop one in the leg, most of the time they will pass out, run up to them, bandage them, give a blood bag if you have an extra and loot. run away before the wake up.
  4. Sup all! I'm looking for a stable Private Hive server which has removed the L85, that doesn't have a ridiculous amount of vehicles (1 heli max etc) and preferably run an anti alt-f4 code/script/whatever its called. It should be like the old DayZ where stuff is scarce and when coming by an AS50 was a huge price, same with ghillies, nvg, rangefinders, coyote backpacks you know what I mean. When having an assault rifle and a czhech/alice backpack was considered well geared. Would be awesome if someone could redirect me to one or recommend their own. Me and some friends more or less stopped playing DayZ because of all the hackers and the shear number of weapons, coming across a weapon these days is more of a meh feeling rather than a "awesome I found a weapon" feeling.
  5. I've made an application to SurviveDayZ, hopefully it is what I'm looking for :)
  6. Chabo

    Dookie the hacker...

    Yeah we ran into him last night on UK333, a really stuck up punk, over confident little shit. I killed him once and a friend of my mine killed him when he teleported himself behind him. He then proceeded to basically screw our server, teleported me into a building and then killed me, killed all of the pubbies and crap, all vehicles gone etc,but nothing a restart can't fix. We talked to him for awhile and he said if we banned him he would just come back because he had "infinite" amount of keys. We banned him and he didn't come back after that we got his GUID and IP so we are reporting him eventually.
  7. Chabo

    pets, Pets, PETTSS!!!!

    Punctuation, commas, please!
  8. Chabo

    Need help with performance

    ^lol glad i could be of service :)
  9. Chabo

    Need help with performance

    So you are using the onboard GPU on the CPU? well theres your problem, its absoloutley bonkersly (not a word i know) bad. Get a real graphics card and you will see that all your problems will be gone.
  10. Awesome vid mate, could sense the intensity, which i love about this game. wish i was there damnit...