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Everything posted by hulahuga

  1. hulahuga

    Trade Zones

    Why not simply introduce bases, and then leave it up to the players to decide how to govern them, perhaps they will create a hansanetic league?
  2. hulahuga

    Player Base Building: The MCV

    Why not make the parts simply quite big, and then the best way to transport it would be the Ural? However, you have touched upon an important engine aspect, namely a center of the base inhibiting zombie spawn there... :)
  3. Well, kind of, but it goes for deer stands and other stuff too. Plus, hunting rifles barely exist right now...
  4. Well then they would grab the frigging AKs and other uber-guns wouldn't they ;). Also, another suggestion, shouldnt some zombies actually carry guns?
  5. hulahuga

    Roaming Zombies.

    Yeah, and currently zombies simply spawn at say deer stands, and wonder straight off in a singular direction at the same time. Add a bit of randomness and roaming to it I say :)
  6. hulahuga

    Suggestion for blood trails

    You just do it as a track of decals, it is dead easy, and isn't too taxing on the engine... ;)
  7. hulahuga

    Civil Defense Sirens

    Sirens, and more lights in the world, especially around cities :) Would make night time so much more interesting!
  8. hulahuga


    The current night really is too much of a pitch black contrast, the result is that everyone just bumps up the brightness and gamma every night to actually be able to see anything at all. Just go out on a clear night with a full moon and see the difference compared to a cloudy night. The current settings really need some fixing, because I would actually like to play at night more, but right now the lightning is just sub-par... tl;dr Light bounces are needed and ToD needs fixing.
  9. hulahuga

    Camo Tarps For Vehicles

  10. hulahuga

    New item: NOTES :D

    Yeah, and message boards in the city could be added too :) (think bounties and whatnot, just whatever we want to create :))
  11. Agreed. Rocket seems to be working on these things now though if you listen to the Sidestrafe interview :)
  12. hulahuga


    Yeah, bears, wolves, something :) Would be awesome. Could also add it more into a sort of ecosystem with deers, elks and moose roaming the forests too :).
  13. hulahuga

    Meat From Dead Players

    Would be awesome if they could add it :). Think The Road... Would add another element to the game, and won't just be a silly thing but a viable element of the story and the world, as said see The Road... :) Great with the AU and NZ adding an 18+ rating now :)