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About chrispow

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  1. It's still done. People just get in and out of them within the 24 hour timer as far as I know.
  2. chrispow

    Using Skype, and losing in game sound

    Type 'Sound' into the start-bar search and open it. Go to the communications tab and select 'Do nothing.'
  3. There are no signs of thermal AS-50s in this video.
  4. When you spawn and log in, you will in the bottom right corner see a brief description of where you are. I suggest that you try to spawn in the same place by respawning, but the first time you spawn--look for that text message and then road signs. Locate each other and play together. I recommend staying away from online maps! The game is much more interesting when you don't know the world, and you'll appreciate the map when you find it in game.
  5. You are talking about 2-3km distance. So that is a big no. Go to armaholic and download the shooting range mission (by murcielago) and TRY this. It has a projectile camera so that you can follow the round all the way. If you are talking about 1.5km--it is certainly possible but with very low damage per hit.
  6. chrispow

    red x over all the server

    This means that your arma 2 version is not up to date. Are you using Sixupdater?
  7. chrispow

    My game from the last 2 days wont load

    Are you referring to the debug forest/plains? Or are you spawning on the coast as a new character? If the former, you will either have to suicide or make sure that all your game and mod versions are correct.
  8. This is a good thing. You're a moronic sniper if you aim for the head, especially if you are using a .50 calibre sniper rifle.
  9. Get the shooting range mission by murcielago from armaholic and try this at 1400m. If you aren't firing a .50 cal round, your round is going to drop more and more and more and lose speed and do little to no damage. Don't expect to engage anyone at 1000m+ with anything that isn't a sniper rifle or a HMG.
  10. chrispow

    Q. Can zombies open doors?

    If you open a door for a zombie, he'll close it so that they can continue walking through it.
  11. Why do you have to put it in appdata? Is this a steam thing or mandatory for everyone? I play fine on updated servers with only putting the two .dll files in the expansion\battleye but my game isn't back-compatible, even to 94997 which is the version this was introduced.
  12. chrispow

    The dreaded waiting for host problem

    It seems that the new updates are not back-compatible. Try a server that is of the exact same version as yours (i.e. 95054 or 94997 depending on what you're using). http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/36099-constant-wait-for-host-with-95054/
  13. chrispow

    Constant wait for host with 95054?

    I came to the same conclusion after trying servers. This is a little disappointing--but will be fine when when the other servers catch up.
  14. I did a search, with no useful results. What am I missing? I've updated my BE, both the server and the client .dll are in place (though there is no actual 64-bit download, so I went for the 32-bit) Does 95054 mean that I can only join 95054 servers? Previous versions have let me join any server with an older version.